Arts & Sciences Events
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Talk on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, how the 2013–14 violent protests on Maidan unleashed seditionist movements in Crimea and Eastern Donbas and why no political solution was found for 7 years prior to this catastrophic Russian attack.
J. Ward Jones Lecture presents Professor K. Sara Myers from the University of Virginia. She will be speaking on "Gendering the Garden in Latin Literature".
Join Deputy Assistant Secretary for Travel and Tourism in the ITA Mark Keam and Former Ambassador to the Asian Development Bank, Amb. Jason Chung in a panel event by AHS regarding “Trade and Diplomacy: A Pivot to Asia” March 1st, 7:00 PM in Small 111!
Amnesty International is an international human rights NGO. W&M Amnesty is holding a Write for Reproductive Rights Campaign to defend access to reproductive health resources nationally and internationally. Come on March 2 in Washington Hall at 6 pm!
Engage with those who practice and sustain democracy in their everyday lives as journalists, elected officials, advocates, neighbors, immigrants, voters, family members, business members, and more.
Dr. Andrew Jackura, Jefferson Laboratory Newport News, Title: Nuclear Reactions & QCD Spectroscopy
As part of the 2023 Ampersand International Arts Festival, Erika Fabian, Reves Center Artist in Residence, will deliver a talk, "Surviving Hitler and Stalin: One Woman's Account." Co-sponsored by W&M Strategic Cultural Partnerships.
The Fanoos Family Ensemble performs songs in the Afghan classical style, at the crossroads of Persian poetry, Hindustani rhythms, and Central Asian harmonies.
Midterm grading period begins
Dr. Andrew Hanlon, Brookhaven National Laboratoy, Title: The Nature of Strongly Interacting Matter: Connecting Theory to Experiment
LISA LOWE (Samuel Knight Professor of American Studies at Yale University) will be presenting “Colonial Domesticity and Social Reproduction” as part of the Asian and Pacific Islander American Studies Program (APIA) 2022-23 Bahn Mi Lecture series.
GSWS Creative Arts Reception
Campus Walk for Monroe Scholars
Life Beyond Academia: An Alumni Panel On How To Transfer Your Humanities PhD Training Into Meaningful Work Outside of The Tenure Track
Register to receive Zoom link
Join the William & Mary Law School Immigration Clinic for the Second Annual Fourth Circuit Asylum Law Conference.
CLE information forthcoming.
Hearing the shape of a drum with several complex variables ears
Deadline for 2024 graduation applicants to have social class changed for registration
Abstract deadline: DECEMBER 13, 2022
Early registration deadline: FEBRUARY 13, 2023
Spring advising period begins. It ends March 31st
Classes resume from Spring Break
Advising period begins
Summer registration begins for degree seeking students
Summer registration begins for continuing students.
Summer registration begins for degree seeking students.
Sheldon Himelfarb discusses the intersection of misinformation and the peace process.
Marie Pellissier, doctoral candidate in History, will present, "Tasting History: Food and Memory in Williamsburg."
Offered in partnership between the Graduate Center and the Williamsburg Regional Library.
Professor Christopher Silver of McGill University joins Professor Glasser to discuss his latest book: "Recording History."
Andrews Gallery Exhibition "2023 Catron Scholars".
Exhibition runs March 23-31, 2023. Reception and Scholars' presentations,
Friday, March 31, 5-7pm
Trivia Night for Monroe Scholars
Deadline to declare major/minor for guaranteed processing before Fall 2023 priority registration
Title: Early warning signals of extinction: A role for algebraic topology in ecological forecasting
Sylvie Durmelat (Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies at Georgetown University) will present research from her current book project titled "Grains of Empire: Assimilating Couscous."
[This talk has been canceled due to illness.]
Hrishikesh Joshi, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, at Bowling Green State University, will give a talk titled "The Skeptical Upshot of Social Cognition."
Dr. Paul Black, Wake Forest University, Title: Innovations in Surface Guidance Techniques for Radiotherapy Applications
Ms. Paniyeva has been hailed by the New York Concert Review as "a wonderful pianist", and one with "tender regard for the music.
Join the faculty and students of the Departments of Classical Studies and Anthropology for International Archaeology Day at W&M on Saturday, March 25, 2023!
Midterm grading period begins
Highland, in partnership with the Virginia Festival of the Book, will host Justice John Charles Thomas to discuss his book The Poetic Justice: A Memoir.
Last day to elect pass/fail for social class juniors and seniors
Withdrawal period ends
Summer registration begins for Non-Degree Seeking students.
Summer registration begins for Non-Degree Seeking students.
Last day to accept NDS applications is on May 15.
The Center for Criminal Justice Policy and Reform will host a conversation with Attorney BRIAN STOLARZ and exoneree ALFRED DEWAYNE BROWN. In person event and also available to livestream.
- Purchase Bachelors and Masters regalia for Commencement
- Order class rings and personalized announcements form Jostens
- Purchase diploma frames, covers, souvenir tassels and William & Mary merchandise
This workshop will help you think about ways to enhance your personhood while in graduate school, not just your C.V.
Join us for “Women in the Movement,” a new initiative focused on the pivotal role of women during social movements throughout time!
Join us for an information session about the W&M Libraries' Faculty Scholar position.
Join us for the 2023 Graduate & Honors Research Symposium.
Lecture on Jesuit Poetry featuring Professor Yasmin Haskell (IAS and University of Western Australia). She will be speaking on 'Deus ex machina or AI? Who really wrote the student poetry of the Old Society of Jesus'.
Professor Nasta’s lecture will explore the significant, but obscured, history of South Asian creatives and political radicals who lived and worked in the environs of 'Bloomsbury' in London in the inter-war period.
Join the Global Research Institute and AidData as we welcome Professor Marina Rudyak on Thursday, March 30 at 5:30 PM in James Blair 201 for her talk "Unpacking Global China: Beijing's View on Development, Modernization, and the World."
A&S Graduate Students get one slide, no props, and just three minutes to effectively explain their research and its importance to a general audience. A signature event of the Graduate & Honors Research Symposium.
Fall advising period ends
Come join us for Cypher VIII, William & Mary’s 8th annual hackathon! Cypher is a great opportunity for anyone interested in technology to learn, connect, and compete!
Luis Alberto Zazueta Reyes, Final Oral Examination for the Ph.D. Degree, Title: "Constraining of the MINERvA Medium Energy Neutrino Flux Using Neutrino-Electron Scattering"
The CGA will host GIS Specialist Flamm on March 31st at 1 pm via Zoom! Starting with a botanical oasis in the City of St. Louis, this talk will explore how drones and mapping technologies can have a critical impact on plant conservation work.
Tactile Hyperbolic Geometry
Dr. Arkaitz Rodas, Jefferson Laboratory, Newport News VA, Title: The QCD spectrum: Challenges and prospects
Margarita Marinova, Christopher Newport University
Researching the (Hostile) Other, or the Ethics of Continued Dialogism in Times of War and Academic Crisis
Andrews Gallery Reception and Scholar's presentations for the "2023 Catron Scholars" Exhibition
Exhibition runs March 23-31, 2023. Reception and Scholars' presentations,
Friday, March 31, 5-7pm.
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