Careers in Public Health Panel
Thursday, April 4
5:30pm - 7pm
Cohen Career Center
    Biology Seminar: James Adelman (VA Tech)
    Friday, April 5
    Washington Hall, Room 201
    "Host heterogeneity in physiology and behavior: moving toward consequences for disease transmission"
      Shadowing and Career Talk - Dr. Marc Katz
      Thursday, April 11
      7:30pm - 8:30pm
      Cohen Career Center
      Learn about shadowing opportunities with cardiac surgeon, Dr. Marc Katz. Dr. Katz will also discuss his career path and current position of medical director of the Heart and Vascular Institute at Bon Secours Richmond Health System.
        Biology Seminar: Richard Peek (Vanderbilt)
        Friday, April 12
        Washington Hall, Room 201
        "Heavy metal and H. pylori: a recipe for disaster"
          Osprey in Chesapeake Bay: Ecological Shifts in a Changing Estuary
          Thursday, April 18
          VIMS - Watermen's Hall, McHugh Auditorium
          Join Dr. Bryan Watts of the Center for Conservation Biology as he explores the world of the osprey. {{, Register.}}
            Last day of spring classes
            Friday, April 26
            All day
            Location not specified
              Final exams - week one
              Monday, April 29 - Friday, May 3
              Location not specified