Webinar: Apoyando a Nuestros Estudiantes en Casa
Friday, April 17
12pm - 1pm
School of Education, Online Webinar

In this online Spanish-language webinar, educators and health providers from different parts of the world will share ideas for Spanish-speaking families looking to find ways to support their children's learning experience in the midst of the pandemic.

Italian Studies Zoom Chat - DFAS
Saturday, April 18
1pm - 2pm
via Zoom

Join us for a Zoom chat about the Italian Studies at W&M!  1:00-2:00 PM - https://cwm.zoom.us/j/721182919 

[CANCELED] Akira Mizuta Lippit, AMES-APIA Keynote Speaker: "Instead of Disaster"
Monday, April 27
5:30pm - 7pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

Akira Mizuta Lippit, (Vice Dean, USC's School of Cinematic Arts) explores the ways in which Japanese cinema has responded to a second nuclear crisis, and how the echoes of 1945 have returned to the contemporary moment, or perhaps had never left at all.

Going the Distance: Healthy Relationships During - and long after - the Pandemic
Wednesday, April 29
5:15pm - 6:15pm

Learn tips and techniques to manage your relationships and increase nourishing connections with family, friends, and intimate partners.

[via Zoom] Japanese Studies Senior Research Colloquium
Thursday, April 30
5pm - 6:30pm

Join us (via Zoom!) as the very first cohort of the Japanese Studies Major present their final research projects.  These students have faced unique challenges this semester; come and help us celebrate their achievements!