New Student Orientation
Friday, August 23 - Tuesday, August 27
Across Campus
Welcome to the Tribe!
    Residential New Student Residence Hall Check-in & Move-In by Appointment
    Friday, August 23
    8am - 5pm
    Kaplan Parking Lot via Compton Drive (off Monticello Ave)
    Students should enter the Check-In Line via Compton Drive at their designated move-in time with their unique QR code. Individuals who arrive early will be diverted from the check-in process and asked to wait their turn. 

      Parent & Family Orientation
      Saturday, August 24
      All day
      Across Campus
      Welcome to the Tribe!
        Neighborhood Block Party
        Sunday, August 25
        7:30pm - 11pm
        Student Life Neighborhood (Sadler Center, Integrated Wellness Center, Campus Living Center, Cohen Career Center)
          First Day Of Classes Fun!
          Wednesday, August 28
          11am - 2pm
          Sadler Terrace
            Opening Convocation
            Wednesday, August 28
            Wren Yard

            We look forward to this opportunity for the W&M community to come together to welcome all new students!

              My First W&M Weekend
              Thursday, August 29 - Tuesday, September 3
              Across Campus

              Welcome to William & Mary - and your first fall semester weekend on-campus!