"Inhabitants" Documentary Film Screening
Thursday, February 2
5pm - 7pm
Tucker 127A

INHABITANTS follows five Native American Tribes across deserts, coastlines, forests, and prairies as they restore their traditional land management practices. 

Life in the Reservation Community: A Celebration of Family History and Legacy
Saturday, February 4
3pm - 5pm
School of Education, Matoaka Woods

The Village Initiative's Local Black Histories Project and its W&M partners, invite you to an unveiling exhibition illuminating the residents who were displaced by the U.S. government for the construction of the Naval Weapons Station in Yorktown.

"They Don't Want Our Work to Continue" : Activists in Uganda's Contentious Oil Region
Monday, February 6
Reves Center for International Studies, Reves Room

The Charles Center and the Reves Center for International Studies present photojournalist and Pulitzer grantee Sophie Neiman for a talk about her reporting on protests in Uganda's oil region. 

Campus Free Speech: Dialogue & Dessert
Thursday, February 9
4pm - 5pm
Sadler Center, OCE Conference Room

Let's talk about our understanding and experience of speech on campus. Join in dialogue with six other participants from across Williamsburg and W&M. Leave with new perspectives and an Extraordinary Cupcake.

Vital Decomposition: Soil Practitioners and Life Politics
Thursday, February 16
Integrated Science Center (ISC), Room 1221

The Environment and Sustainability Program invites you to the first lecture of our annual spring series. Dr. Kristina Lyons from the University of Pennsylvania will give a lecture titled “Vital Decomposition: Soil Practitioners and Life Politics." 

    Environmental Law and Policy Review Vol. 47 Symposium
    Friday, February 17
    All day
    Location not specified

    Join ELPR for this year's symposium, International Environmentalism: A Global Approach to Global Challenges. Tune in as presenters and panelists talk about the many environmental issues that the global community faces and how it stands to resolve them.

    Tropical Tools for Seasonal Blues
    Friday, February 17
    2pm - 3pm
    W&M Tropical Greenhouse, 807 South Henry Street (near the Law School)

    Shine some light on the winter blues with the Grounds and Gardens Crew and W&M Counseling Center staff members.

      Talking to Strangers: Dialogue & Dessert
      Wednesday, February 22
      4pm - 5pm
      Sadler Center, OCE Conference Room

      Let's talk about talking to strangers and the norms that often keep us from engaging. Join in dialogue with six other participants from across Williamsburg and W&M. Leave with new perspectives and an Extraordinary Cupcake.

      Webinar: Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Hydropower Reform
      Wednesday, February 22
      4pm - 5:30pm
      Virtual, Via Zoom

      This webinar features riparian and fisheries experts representing several U.S. tribes discussing how Traditional Ecological Knowledge can be in incorporated into riparian conservation and hydropower decision making.

      CBNERR Discovery Lab - Coastal Acidification
      Wednesday, February 22
      6pm - 8pm
      VIMS - Catlett-Burruss Research and Education Lab
      Explore how Bay and coastal waters are becoming more acidic and how that impacts ecosystems and aquatic life through hands-on activities and experiments. VIMS grad student, Anthony Himes, will talk about his research on this topic in the Chesapeake Bay.
      VIMS After Hours - Applying Marine Science to Regulatory Realities
      Thursday, February 23
      7pm - 8pm
      VIMS - Watermen's Hall, McHugh Auditorium, also available as a live webinar
      Join Emily Hein, Assistant Director for Advisory Services, as she discusses how VIMS science-based recommendations are used by regulators to inform decisions on projects ranging from backyard erosion on tidal creeks to oil spill response.
      CGA Speaker Series: Jessica Wyatt
      Friday, February 24
      1:15pm - 2:15pm
      Swem Library, Ford Classroom

      The CGA Speaker Series continues with a talk from Jessica Wyatt! Jessica is a GIS Analyst with the City of Newport News. Join us to learn about how Jessica uses GIS technologies in her work with the local government!

      Navigating Your Career in Today's Changing Economy
      Tuesday, February 28
      12pm - 1pm

      In this session, we’ll talk about what can you do to navigate your career in today’s changing economy — from “quiet quitting” to how companies competing for talent.

      Leading a Values-Based Job Search
      Tuesday, February 28
      3pm - 4pm

      Terry B. McDougall ’86 will lead you through a series of exercises that will help you gain clarity on your values, strengths and skills.
