William & Mary Men's Track & Field vs Colonial Relays
Friday, April 1
All day
Williamsburg, Va., Walter J. Zable Stadium at Cary Field
    2nd Annual WMSURE Undergraduate Conference
    Friday, April 1
    9am - 2pm
    Zoom: https://cwm.zoom.us/j/91521926052?pwd=ME5XZ1l1d3gzcUN2a212Uk1UWmo2QT09
    W&M VSA Culture Show: "A Night in Saigon"
    Friday, April 1
    Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium
    Come out to watch and support W&M VSA's first annual culture show on April 1st at 7PM in the Commonwealth Auditorium!
    Geology Senior Research Saturday
    Saturday, April 2
    All day
    Integrated Science Center (ISC), Room 1221

    Please join the geology community in supporting our seniors as they share their research in the form of a short talk and presentation. 

    William & Mary Women's Lacrosse vs Drexel
    Saturday, April 2
    1pm - 4pm
    Williamsburg, Va., Martin Family Stadium at Albert-Daly Field
      Estrenar: Cultural Banquet 2022
      Saturday, April 2
      6pm - 9pm
      Sadler Center, Commonwealth & Chesapeake
      Join LASU for Cultural Banquet 2022, a night of fun, food, music, and showing off (or Estrenado) our organization! Tickets will be available the week of March 28th, see you on April 2 at 6:00 pm!
      W&M Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
      Sunday, April 3
      10am - 5pm
      James Blair Hall, Room 223

      Join us for presentations of research in philosophy by local and visiting undergraduates. Dr. Jonah Goldwater will deliver the keynote lecture on personal identity at 3:30 p.m.

      The Asian Centennial presents Lloyd Suh's "The Chinese Lady" starring Rinabeth Apostol
      Sunday, April 3
      2pm - 3:30pm
      Williamsburg Regional Library

      The Asian Centennial and W&M Theatre proudly present Lloyd Suh's award winning play on the life story of Afong Moy, who at 14 was brought to the US from Guanzhou Province in 1834, and was put on display for the American public as "The Chinese Lady." 

      The Ewell Concert Series 2021 - 2022 Season presents the The District 5 Quintet!
      Sunday, April 3
      Ewell Hall, Recital Hall

      District 5 is a daring, Washington DC-based wind quintet that specializes in new music and new transcriptions. 

      FitWell Class:  Vinyasa Yoga
      Monday, April 4
      7:45am - 8:35am
      McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A
      Hesselbacher Talk:  Hologic Global Women's Health Index
      Monday, April 4
      12:30pm - 1:30pm
      Chancellors Hall (formerly Tyler Hall), Room 219
      Hunter B. Andrews Distinguished Fellow in American Politics - Conversation and Q&A with Nate Silver
      Monday, April 4
      7pm - 8pm
      Tucker Hall, 127A

      Nate Silver is an award-winning statistician, journalist and author and will visit campus as the university’s Hunter B. Andrews Distinguished Fellow in American Politics.

      Your Academic Writing Project: Tips & Tricks for Designing Your End-of-Semester
      Monday, April 4
      7pm - 8pm

      In this workshop, you will learn how to use self-empowerment and structures of accountability to achieve your writing goals.

        Charles Center Poster Session - Sociology, Justice & Education Part 1
        Tuesday, April 5
        2pm - 4pm
        Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

        Undergraduate researchers present the results of their faculty-mentored research in an informal drop-in session with digital posters. Light refreshments are available at this Undergraduate Research Month event.

        Nature and Spirituality Walk
        Tuesday, April 5
        4pm - 4:45pm
        McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Outside Patio
          German Colonial Legacies and Decolonial Activism: A Conversation with Professor Fatima El-Tayeb
          Tuesday, April 5
          5pm - 6:15pm
          Zoom (email [[decolonizing]] for the link)

          How do legacies of colonialism continue to shape German conceptions of race and national belonging? What might decolonial strategies focused on Europe look like, and what roles might European activists and artists of color play?

            In-Person FitWell:  BarreCycle with Bryce & Rachel
            Tuesday, April 5
            6:30pm - 7:30pm
            The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, Tyler Studio
            Highland + The Lemon Project Collaborations
            Wednesday, April 6
            10am - 11am
            Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

            Learn more about the Highland + Lemon Project collaboration on coursework, outreach, and independent research!

            Studio Art Majors Senior Critique Showcase
            Wednesday, April 6
            2pm - 4pm
            Andrews Hall, Foyer

            A display of works in various stages of completion by Senior Studio Art concentrators in preparation for departmental review.

            The Patrick Hayes Writers Series presents Farah Ali
            Wednesday, April 6
            Reves Center for International Studies, Reves Room

            Farah Ali is from Karachi, Pakistan. Her work won the 2020 Pushcart Prize and received special mention in the 2018 Pushcart anthology. 

            Academic Stress Town Hall
            Wednesday, April 6
            7pm - 8:30pm
            Location not specified

            This event is a town hall for students and faculty to discuss academic stress and mental health.  

            Pet Therapy With Stella 
            Thursday, April 7
            11am - 1pm
            McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Lobby

              Charles Center Poster Session - The Arts
              Thursday, April 7
              2pm - 4pm
              Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

              Undergraduate researchers present the results of their faculty-mentored research in an informal drop-in session with digital posters. Light refreshments are available at this Undergraduate Research Month event.

              The Patrick Hayes Writers Series presents Aurielle Marie
              Thursday, April 7
              Reves Center for International Studies, Reves Room

              Aurielle Marie is a poet and activist. Their debut poetry collection won the 2020 Cave Canem Poetry Prize. Their work has been published in the Adroit Journal, Poetry Daily, TriQuarterly Press, The Rumpus, and elsewhere.

              Geospatial Research Symposium
              Friday, April 8
              1:30pm - 3pm
              Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

              The Geospatial Research Symposium, hosted by the Center for Geospatial Analysis,  showcases student projects and research using geospatial technologies. The event will take place on April 1st at 1:00pm in Blow 201.

                Arab Arts Gala! An Evening of Film, Music & Dance
                Friday, April 8
                6pm - 10pm
                Williamsburg Regional Library Theater

                The W&M Middle Eastern Music Ensemble featuring a Sabah Fakhri tribute, Leah Glenn's Barefoot Modern Dancers, and preceded by Sirens, a Sundance Festival film about the first all-women thrash metal band in Lebanon directed by Rita Baghdadi.

                Session Block B: Diversity On Campus
                Saturday, April 9
                11:40am - 12:20pm
                Tucker Hall, 127A
                Session with Dr. Kimberly Weatherly, Assistant Dean and Director, Center for Student Diversity, Shené V. Owens, Associate Director, Center for Student Diversity, and Roxana Aguirre, Assistant Director, Center for Student Diversity
                  Session Block C: The COLL Curriculum: Innovation in the Liberal Arts
                  Saturday, April 9
                  12:35pm - 1:15pm
                  Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium
                  A session presented by Dr. Ben Boone, Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education. 
                    William & Mary Baseball vs Towson
                    Saturday, April 9
                    2pm - 5pm
                    Williamsburg, VA, Plumeri Park
                      Contemporary West Dance Theatre
                      Saturday, April 9
                      Location not specified

                      Contemporary West Dance Theatre joins W&M Dance at the Ampersand Festival 2022! A Free performance at Kimball Theatre.

                      Barksdale Treble Chorus Spring Concert
                      Saturday, April 9
                      Bruton Parish Episcopal Church 201 W Duke of Gloucester Street

                      Come see Barksdale Treble Chorus perform at our Annual Spring Concert on April 9th at 8 PM! It will be held at Bruton Parish Episcopal Church in Colonial Williamsburg. Admission is free and everyone is welcome!

                      Alpha Chi Omega's Walk A Mile for the Avalon Center 
                      Sunday, April 10
                      10am - 1pm
                      Jamestown Field

                      Alpha Chi Omega's Walk a Mile Fundraiser for the Avalon Center in support of those affected by domestic violence

                      Panhellenic Spring Open House
                      Sunday, April 10
                      1pm - 3pm
                      Sorority Court

                      Panhellenic Spring Open House 

                        The Patrick Hayes Writers Series presents Dana Stevens
                        Sunday, April 10
                        Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium


                        Dana Stevens has been Slate’s film critic since 2006. She is also a cohost of the magazine’s long-running culture podcast, Culture Gabfest. 

                        Mindful Meditation & Sound Healing
                        Sunday, April 10
                        6pm - 7pm
                        McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A
                        American Red Cross Blood Drive
                        Monday, April 11
                        10am - 4pm
                        Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Brinkley Commons

                        American Red Cross Blood Drive on Monday April 11th

                        Charles Center Poster Session - Chemistry
                        Monday, April 11
                        2pm - 4pm
                        Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

                        Undergraduate researchers present the results of their faculty-mentored research in an informal drop-in session with digital posters. Light refreshments are available at this Undergraduate Research Month event.

                        "The Kids Aren't Alright: Afro-German Afrofuturism and the Fight for Futurity" 
                        Monday, April 11
                        5pm - 6:15pm
                        Washington Hall, Room 315

                        Professor Priscilla Layne (UNC Chapel Hill) will present research from her forthcoming book Out of this World: Afro-German Afrofuturism. 

                          One Tribe One Day
                          Tuesday, April 12
                          All day
                          Around the world

                          Join us for One Tribe One Day on Tuesday, April 12. All day long, across the globe, our community will gather virtually and in person to celebrate this annual W&M tradition by giving back and paying it forward.

                            AAH Distinguished Lecture: How Was Art Electrified? The Formation of the Global Brain in China
                            Tuesday, April 12
                            5pm - 6:30pm
                            Andrews Hall, Room 101

                            The Department of Art & Art History Distinguished Lecturer,

                            Eugene Y. Wang, Professor of Asian Art, Harvard University, “How Was Art Electrified? The Formation of the Global Brain in China”.

                            This lecture contributes to W&M's Asian Centennial celebration.

                            "A Cosmic Struggle? How Historians Grapple with Religion as a Casual Force" (Dr. Sarah Cramsey)
                            Tuesday, April 12
                            5pm - 7pm
                            Tucker Hall, 127A

                            Dr. Cramsey explores how historians can understand religious behaviour in biological terms and come closer to the lived reality of the past.

                            geoLab Information Session    
                            Tuesday, April 12
                            Integrated Science Center (ISC), Room 1280

                            The geoLab is a geospatial research lab that works with partners such as the UN, CIESIN, GEF, NGA, and CCI. Come to our information session to learn more about applying for next semester!

                              Order Your W&M Class Ring!
                              Wednesday, April 13 - Thursday, April 14
                              11am - 3pm
                              Sadler Center, Atrium Tables

                              Ring Sales with Jostens are here! Order now in order to participate in the Fall 2022 Family Weekend Ring Event. 

                                Lemon's Legacies Porch Talk--Reflecting & Planting Seeds: A Conversation with Arielle Newby, M.Ed
                                Wednesday, April 13
                                12pm - 1pm

                                Join The Lemon Project on April 13 at noon for a conversation with Arielle Newby, M.Ed. She is an alum and professional staff member who will provide a unique perspective on William & Mary.

                                Archiving Student History Open House
                                Wednesday, April 13
                                5pm - 6:30pm
                                Swem Library, Special Collections

                                W&M Libraries and Student Leadership Development are partnering to host an open house for student organizations who want to learn more about preserving your organization history. 

                                Charles Center Poster Session - COVID-19 Pandemic
                                Thursday, April 14
                                2pm - 4pm
                                Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

                                Undergraduate researchers present the results of their faculty-mentored research in an informal drop-in session with digital posters. Light refreshments are available at this Undergraduate Research Month event.

                                Bioengineering, iGEM & Synthetic Biology: Opportunities to Address Global Problems
                                Thursday, April 14
                                4pm - 6pm
                                Integrated Science Center (ISC), Lobby 3 and 1227

                                Overview of Bioengineering at W&M through lab tours, brief talks, a trivia game, conversations with student researchers and discussion of opportunities in bioengineering.

                                Salsa Club is Hosting a Professional Dance Instructor Who’ll  Teach You Salsa and African Dance!
                                Thursday, April 14
                                9pm - 11pm
                                Sadler Center, Chesapeake A

                                Salsa club has a really cool opportunity coming up! We will be having professional guest instructor Stephen Jackson teaching Salsa and African Dance and we’d love to have as many people come as possible.

                                Your Best (Asian) American Girl: A Cabaret (preview)
                                Friday, April 15
                                3pm - 4pm
                                Williamsburg Regional Library Theatre

                                The Asian Centennial, APIA, & TSD present Sumié Yotsukura's cabaret debut in fulfillment of her honors thesis in APIA. This intimate hour of song and story charts her journey of how an Asian American girl fell in love with American musical theatre.

                                IIC & WMGIC Present Enviro-Movie Night: Before the Flood with Leonardo DiCaprio
                                Friday, April 15
                                6pm - 9:30pm
                                Washington Hall, Room 201

                                A movie night hosted by the IIC's Student Leadership Council and W&M Global Innovation Challenge.

                                Lucky Plush Performances: Rink Life
                                Friday, April 15
                                7:30pm - 9pm
                                Adair Hall, Studio Room

                                Friday, April 15, 7:30pm and Saturday, April 16, 1pm

                                Funded in part by the New England Foundation for the Arts' National Theater Project, with lead funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

                                FitWell Class of the Week: Disney Sing-a-Long Cycle
                                Saturday, April 16
                                10am - 10:50am
                                The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, Tyler Studio

                                An action-packed cycling class full of sprints, jumps, climbs, and light choreography paired with your favorite Disney songs. The lyrics of the songs will be broadcasted on the TV for all participants to sing a long! Think of it as karaoke and cycling!

                                  Lucky Plush Performances: Rink Life
                                  Saturday, April 16
                                  1pm - 2pm
                                  Adair Hall, Studio Room

                                  Friday, April 15, 7:30pm and Saturday, April 16, 1pm

                                  Funded in part by the New England Foundation for the Arts' National Theater Project, with lead funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

                                  William & Mary Women's Lacrosse vs #11 James Madison
                                  Saturday, April 16
                                  1pm - 4pm
                                  Williamsburg, Va., Martin Family Stadium at Albert-Daly Field
                                    William & Mary Women's Tennis vs Richmond
                                    Saturday, April 16
                                    2pm - 5pm
                                    Williamsburg, Va., Mackesy Tennis Center at the Millie West Courts
                                      Your Best (Asian) American Girl: A Cabaret
                                      Saturday, April 16
                                      3pm - 4pm
                                      Williamsburg Regional Library Theatre

                                      The Asian Centennial, APIA, & TSD present Sumié Yotsukura's cabaret debut in fulfillment of her honors thesis in APIA. This intimate hour of song and story charts her journey of how an Asian American girl fell in love with American musical theatre.

                                      In-Person FitWell Class:  Cardio Dance with Mary Beth
                                      Sunday, April 17
                                      9am - 9:50am
                                      The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, McLeod Studio
                                      In-Person FitWell Class:  Barre with Rachel
                                      Sunday, April 17
                                      2:30pm - 3:20pm
                                      The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, McLeod Studio
                                      In-Person FitWell Class: Outdoor Yoga with Mary
                                      Sunday, April 17
                                      4:30pm - 5:20pm
                                      Martha Wren Briggs Amphitheatre at Lake Matoaka
                                      In-Person FitWell Class:  Barre with Amy W.
                                      Monday, April 18
                                      8am - 8:50am
                                      The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, McLeod Studio
                                      Charles Center Poster Session - Molecules, Cells & Medicine
                                      Monday, April 18
                                      2pm - 4pm
                                      Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

                                      Undergraduate researchers present the results of their faculty-mentored research in an informal drop-in session with digital posters. Light refreshments are available at this Undergraduate Research Month event.

                                      Student Assembly Inauguration
                                      Monday, April 18
                                      4:30pm - 5:15pm
                                      Wren Building, Great Hall

                                      Please join Student Assembly for the Inauguration of the 330th Session.

                                      Charles Center Poster Session - Ecology & Environment
                                      Tuesday, April 19
                                      2pm - 4pm
                                      Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

                                      Undergraduate researchers present the results of their faculty-mentored research in an informal drop-in session with digital posters. Light refreshments are available at this Undergraduate Research Month event.

                                      Augmented Reality Conservation Mural Reveal Party
                                      Tuesday, April 19
                                      4pm - 6pm
                                      Swem Library, Patio near Omohundro Institute

                                      You are invited to celebrate the reveal of a student-led Augmented Reality Mural on Swem Library designed to inspire audiences to see nature from a new perspective.

                                      Flashback to the '90s Trivia
                                      Tuesday, April 19
                                      Swem Library, Ford Classroom

                                      It’s time to get out your wide-legged jeans, revive your Tamagotchi and put on your favorite boy band as we Flashback to the ‘90s! Gather your crew for trivia on Tuesday, April 19th at 7pm. 

                                      Tuesday, April 19
                                      8pm - 9pm
                                      The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, McLeod Studio

                                      This workshop is designed specifically to introduce male-identifying participants to yoga! Soak up the diverse mental and physical benefits of yoga with your bros! 

                                        In-Person FitWell Class: Outdoor Vinyasa Yoga with Patti
                                        Wednesday, April 20
                                        8:30am - 9:20am
                                        Martha Wren Briggs Amphitheatre at Lake Matoaka
                                        Sustaina-bite: Advocacy & Citizenship
                                        Wednesday, April 20
                                        12pm - 1pm
                                        Location not specified

                                        Many global sustainability challenges are influenced at the level of policies, corporations, and community involvement. 

                                        Environmental Humanities launch event
                                        Wednesday, April 20
                                        2:30pm - 4:30pm
                                        Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

                                        This event celebrates the launch of the new Environmental Humanities concentration in ENSP (Environment and Sustainability Program).

                                        Viet Thanh Nguyen to Deliver Lecture and Receive Hatsuye Yamasaki Prize ‘37 for Visionary Leadership
                                        Wednesday, April 20

                                        The Reves Center for International Studies, in cooperation with the Asian Centennial Committee, sponsors Pulitzer Prize Winner Viet Thanh Nguyen to deliver the 2022 McSwain-Walker Lecture, “Refugees, Language, and the Meaning of ‘America.'"  

                                        In-Person FitWell Class:  BODYPUMP™ 45 with Sarah
                                        Thursday, April 21
                                        8am - 8:45am
                                        The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, McLeod Studio
                                        The LGBTQI+ Community and Russia's War Against Ukraine
                                        Thursday, April 21
                                        5pm - 6pm
                                        Washington Hall, Room 315

                                        Hear from Ukrainian LGBTQI+ activists Bogdan Globa and Olena Globa how Russia's war against Ukraine is affecting the LGBTQI+ community.

                                        "The Museum of the Bible and the Politics of Interpretation" (Symposium)
                                        Thursday, April 21
                                        6pm - 8pm
                                        Tucker Hall, 127A

                                        A discussion of the practices of the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. by Jill Hicks-Keeton and Cavan Concannon re: how it informs the work of both scholars and ordinary persons.

                                          In-Person FitWell Class:  BODYPUMP™ 45 with Elvera
                                          Thursday, April 21
                                          7pm - 7:45pm
                                          The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, McLeod Studio
                                          Mardi Gras After Party 
                                          Friday, April 22
                                          1pm - 9:30pm
                                          Muscarelle Museum of Art, Lawn

                                          Join the Muscarelle Museum of Art for our 2nd Annual Chalk Art competition on Friday, April 22nd from 1:00-9:30 pm! We will be celebrating all day with live music, food trucks, games, and a chance to win cash prizes! Registration is free.

                                          Earth Day with AMP
                                          Friday, April 22
                                          3pm - 5pm
                                          Crim Dell Meadow

                                          It's Earth Week!

                                          Wellness Rocks
                                          Friday, April 22
                                          6pm - 7pm
                                          McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Wellness Center, Studio A

                                          It's Earth Week!

                                          In-Person FitWell Class:  Outdoor Cycling with Mikayla
                                          Saturday, April 23
                                          10am - 10:50am
                                          Martha Wren Briggs Amphitheatre at Lake Matoaka
                                          William & Mary Women's Lacrosse vs Hofstra
                                          Saturday, April 23
                                          1pm - 4pm
                                          Williamsburg, Va., Martin Family Stadium at Albert-Daly Field
                                            In-Person FitWell Class:  Cardio Dance with Mary Beth
                                            Sunday, April 24
                                            9am - 9:50am
                                            The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, McLeod Studio
                                            In-Person FitWell Class:  Barre with Grace
                                            Sunday, April 24
                                            10:30am - 11:20am
                                            The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, McLeod Studio
                                            In-Person FitWell Class:  Barre with Rachel
                                            Sunday, April 24
                                            2:30pm - 3:20pm
                                            The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, McLeod Studio
                                            In-Person FitWell Class: Outdoor Yoga with Mary
                                            Sunday, April 24
                                            4:30pm - 5:20pm
                                            Martha Wren Briggs Amphitheatre at Lake Matoaka
                                            CAC Snow Cone Fundraiser
                                            Monday, April 25
                                            11am - 2pm
                                            Sadler Center

                                              Charles Center Poster Session - Computation, Math & Physics
                                              Monday, April 25
                                              2pm - 4pm
                                              Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

                                              Undergraduate researchers present the results of their faculty-mentored research in an informal drop-in session with digital posters. Light refreshments are available at this Undergraduate Research Month event.

                                              Government 2022 Baxter-Ward Fellow: Vivek S. Sankaran
                                              Monday, April 25
                                              5pm - 6:30pm
                                              Tucker Hall, 127A

                                              Vivek S. Sankaran is a W&M Government alum and currently works as the Clinical Professor of Law, Director of the Child Advocacy Law Clinic, and is the Director of the Child Welfare Appellate Clinic at the University of Michigan Law School.

                                              In-Person FitWell Class:  BODYPUMP™ 45 with Sarah
                                              Tuesday, April 26
                                              8am - 8:45am
                                              The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, McLeod Studio
                                              Dr. Katja Vehlow: "Conservative Judaism in America"
                                              Tuesday, April 26
                                              11am - 12:30pm
                                              Wren Building, ZOOM

                                              Dr. Vehlow will lead the class in an exploration of Emet Veemunah, Conservative responsa, and role of Halakhah in Conservative Judaism today. 

                                                Tell Me How this Ends - The Future of Russia and Ukraine 
                                                Tuesday, April 26
                                                5pm - 6pm
                                                Tucker Hall, 127A

                                                Former CIA Russia Analyst Group Chief George Beebe will be joining the JQAS on campus to discuss the future of the Russia-Ukraine War and “how this ends.” Mr. Beebe will also hold a QnA after the talk.

                                                Double-header concert featuring the W&M Jazz Ensemble and the W&M Jazz Combo
                                                Tuesday, April 26
                                                Ewell Hall, Recital Hall

                                                The Jazz Ensemble (under the direction of Victor Haskins) and Jazz Combo (under the direction of Harris Simon) will perform a joint concert on Tuesday, April 26 at 7pm in Ewell Recital Hall. It is free to attend, no ticket is required. 

                                                In-Person FitWell Class:  Cycling with Ana
                                                Wednesday, April 27
                                                8am - 8:50am
                                                The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, Tyler Studio
                                                Charles Center Poster Session - Sociology, Justice & Education Part 2
                                                Wednesday, April 27
                                                2pm - 4pm
                                                Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

                                                Undergraduate researchers present the results of their faculty-mentored research in an informal drop-in session with digital posters. Light refreshments are available at this Undergraduate Research Month event.

                                                Pop-Up Doodlefest & Playnote with Sunni Brown
                                                Wednesday, April 27
                                                4pm - 7:30pm
                                                Swem Library, Read & Relax

                                                Arts at W&M presents a Pop-Up Doodlefest & Playnote with bestselling author and visual thinking consultant Sunni Brown on Wednesday, April 27 from 4 – 7:30 pm in the Read & Relax at Swem Library.

                                                The Spring 2022 Tack Faculty Lecture, “Pumping Iron for Renewable Fuels,” by William McNamara
                                                Wednesday, April 27
                                                7pm - 8:30pm
                                                Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium

                                                William McNamara, Wilson & Martha Claiborne Stephens Associate Professor of Chemistry at William & Mary, will share his expertise in renewable energy and demonstrate how solar fuels are being generated.

                                                Conflict in Ukraine and the Unleashing of a Global Humanitarian Crisis
                                                Thursday, April 28
                                                12pm - 1pm

                                                An on-the-ground report on the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine from Doug Mercado '85, currently serving with the World Food Programme (WFP) as the Head of Area Office for Romania, supporting WFP’s emergency operations in Ukraine. 

                                                Communal Quilt Project: Celebration and Street Party
                                                Thursday, April 28
                                                5:30pm - 7:30pm
                                                The 300 Block of West Duke of Gloucester (DoG) street, in front of the former Barnes & Noble

                                                Connect with your neighbors at the celebration of the Communal Quilt Project. Hundreds of people around Williamsburg have made quilt squares to tell their story. See how we are all connected in this debut event with music, storytelling, and refreshments.

                                                An Evening with Charles F. "Chuck" Sams III, Cayuse and Walla Walla, Director, National Park Service
                                                Thursday, April 28
                                                6:15pm - 8pm
                                                Martha Wren Briggs Amphitheatre at Lake Matoaka

                                                An Evening with Charles F. “Chuck” Sams III, (Cayuse and Walla Walla), Director, National Park Service 

                                                Moderated by Robert Rose, with interviewers Andrew Fisher and Nikki Bass

                                                The Ewell Concert Series 2021 - 2022 Season presents the The Lavazza Piano Trio!
                                                Thursday, April 28
                                                Ewell Hall, Recital Hall

                                                The Ewell Concert Series 2021 - 2022 Season presents the The Lavazza Piano Trio which consists of Violinist Akemi Takayama, Cellist Julian Schwarz, and Pianist Marika Bournaki.

                                                In-Person FitWell:  Cycling + Arms with Bryce
                                                Friday, April 29
                                                8:30am - 9:30am
                                                The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, Tyler Studio
                                                Parks & Ecotherapy Research Lab (PERL) Showcase & Reception
                                                Friday, April 29
                                                11:30am - 1:30pm
                                                Sadler Center, Terrace

                                                The Parks & Ecotherapy Research Lab (PERL) will be hosting a showcase event for Undergraduate Research Month on April 29th, 2022. 

                                                Kappa Delta Rho Philanthropy Petting Zoo
                                                Friday, April 29
                                                1pm - 3pm
                                                Crim Dell Meadow

                                                Come relax with some furry friends after a long week of classes with the KDR petting zoo! April 29th from 1-3 in the Crim Dell Meadow. 

                                                William & Mary Baseball vs Hofstra
                                                Friday, April 29
                                                5pm - 8pm
                                                Williamsburg, VA, Plumeri Park
                                                  7th Grade Sketch Comedy presents "Grad Pitt"
                                                  Friday, April 29
                                                  8pm - 9pm
                                                  Ewell Hall, Recital Hall (Room 107)

                                                  "Grad Pitt" is 7th Grade Sketch Comedy's final show of the year! We will be performing some of our favorite comedy sketches and celebrating our seniors. Admission is $2.

                                                  Arthur A. Matsu Historical Marker Dedication
                                                  Saturday, April 30
                                                  11am - 12pm
                                                  Zable Stadium at Cary Field

                                                  Join us for  a ceremony celebrating the dedication of the Commonwealth of Virginia Arthur A. Matsu Historical Marker and Matsu Arcade.

                                                    1st Annual Bottom Feeder BBQ
                                                    Saturday, April 30
                                                    1pm - 3pm
                                                    Martha Wren Briggs Amphitheatre at Lake Matoaka

                                                    Located on the amphitheater shore, the Matoaka Bottom Feeders host their 1st Annual barbecue. 

                                                    Dog Yoga
                                                    Saturday, April 30
                                                    1:30pm - 2:30pm
                                                    Martha Wren Briggs Amphitheatre at Lake Matoaka

                                                    Destress during the last week of classes with an outdoor yoga class at Matoaka surrounded by therapy corgis! 

                                                      Music of India Ensemble Spring Concert
                                                      Saturday, April 30
                                                      7:30pm - 9:30pm
                                                      Ewell Hall, Recital Hall

                                                      Please join the William & Mary Music of India Ensemble for its final concert of the year.


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                                                      +2 more...