[PAST EVENT] Students for the Innocence Project's Third Annual "Dodge for Innocence" Dodgeball Tournament

September 28, 2019
Lettie Pate Whitehead Evans Graduate Complex
713 S Henry St
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Access & Features
  • Paid event
  • Ticketed event
Dodgeball Tournament Flyer

Come on out to the Gradplex on Saturday, September 28th and participate in our Dodgeball Tournament! Winning and raffle prizes include lunch with Professor Marcus, lunch with Professor Combs, and coffee with local exoneree, Beverly Monroe. $15 for a five person team, and each member will receive a free raffle ticket.  $1 for additional raffle tickets.  All proceeds go to the Innocence Project!  For more information, email us at wmsfip@gmail.com.


Justin Rechel [[e|jtrechel]]; wmsfip@gmail.com