W&M Featured Events
[PAST EVENT] Artist Talk : Cara Romero
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The Muscarelle is thrilled to welcome Chemehuevi artist Cara Romero to campus. Romero will dive into her artistic process and recent projects. Romero is a technically brilliant photographer and marries that skill with her ability to convey an indigenous perspective on issues of Native representation and identity. Romero says, “I am deeply committed to making work that addresses Native American social issues and changes the way people perceive us in contemporary society. My style offers viewers sometimes serious and sometimes playful social commentary on pressing social issues.” Romero’s works are widely sought by museums and the Muscarelle is lucky to have three of her photographs, TV Indians, Oil Boom, and Water Memory. All three are on view in Shared Ideologies.
Phone: 757.221.2700 | [[w|museum]]
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