W&M Featured Events
[PAST EVENT] 2021 Sutlive Book Prize Lecture: Mark Anderson
ZoomMark Anderson’s lecture will be based on his book From Boas to Black Power: Racism, Liberalism, and American Anthropology, an intellectual history of how U.S. cultural anthropologists wrote about race, racism, and “America” from the 1920s to the early 1970s. The book starts with an analysis of the anti-racist liberal interventions of Franz Boas and his students and ends with an examination of under-acknowledged anthropologists who, inspired by Black Studies critiques, identified the limitations and contradictions of liberal anti-racism. It shows how cultural anthropology contributed to liberal American discourses on race and racism in ways that both critiqued racism and reproduced assumptions about normative whiteness in U.S. society and how anthropologists influenced by radical political movements of the 1960s, particularly Black Power, challenged that project and articulated alternative visions of anthropological anti-racism.
Mark Anderson is Professor of Anthropology at the University of California Santa Cruz and author of Black and Indigenous: Garifuna Activism and Consumer Culture in Honduras, as well as From Boas to Black Power.
Please email [[jdcarlson]] for the Zoom link.