W&M Featured Events
This calendar presented by
William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] Helping Professions Panel
November 8, 2021
12pm - 1pm
Cohen Career Center, Hybrid (Presentation Room or Zoom Room)180 Stadium Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Access & Features
- Free food
- Registration/RSVP

Come listen to our panel of experts as they discuss their career paths and answer your questions on graduate school, career outlook, and more! Our expert panelists will include faculty and practitioners in psychology, clinical mental health, counseling, school psychology, and school counseling. We will have free pizza for in-person participants.
If you plan to participate in person, please come to the Cohen Career Center Presentation Room A & B.
If you plan to participate virtually, please click here for the Zoom link.
Elizabeth Cavallari [[w|emcavallari]] or Parker Mercer [[w|csga01]]