W&M Featured Events
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William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] Developments in Data Science Forum [Zoom]
November 29, 2021
4pm - 5pm
Access & Features
- Open to the public

You’re invited to an open forum hosted by the Data Science faculty to talk about new developments, plans for the BA degree in Data Science, and ways to get involved. Our goal in these meetings is to listen to the ideas of interested members of the community about ways that the Data Science unit could better serve faculty and students in A&S.
All meetings will be held from 4-5pm on Zoom: https://cwm.zoom.us/j/95087094148
Monday, November 22nd: Social Science Faculty
Monday, November 29th: Humanities Faculty
Monday, December 6th: Natural/Computational Sciences Faculty
For questions, please contact [[(jsettle, Jaime Settle]], Associate Director of Data Science (jsettle@wm.edu)