[PAST EVENT] Material Culture & Public History Certificate Program - Open House!

September 29, 2022
12pm - 1:30pm
Blair 206 (History Dept. Library)
NIAHD: Calling All Museum People (yellow and pink text + red background)

Welcome prospective, new, and returning students to the NIAHD Certificate Program in Material Culture & Public History! Come to our annual Open House to learn about new and upcoming activities including courses and field experiences, to think about or report back on your internship, and reconnect with your MCPH colleagues and friends. Bring a brown bag lunch at noon on Thursday 9/29 to the History Department Library (Blair 206).

Prospective certificate students: come meet us and find out if this program is a good fit for your interest in preservation, historical research, and/or public history!

Members of the certificate program: be sure to pick up your 2022 t-shirt!

Contact Dr. [[rschroeder, Robyn Schroeder]] with questions.

