W&M Featured Events
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William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] Designing Conference Posters
March 10, 2014
5pm - 6:30pm
Cohen Career Center, Presenation Room A180 Stadium Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Barbara Monteith will run the workshop, and pass on her knowledge on poster presentations.
The Graduate Center and Cohen Career Center will host a 90-minute hands-on workshop Designing Conference Posters on March 10, 2014 from 5-6:30pm, in the Cohen Career Center Presentation Room A. Please RSVP to [[bgmont]] no later than March 5, 2014.
The Graduate Center and Cohen Career Center will host a 90-minute hands-on workshop Designing Conference Posters on March 10, 2014 from 5-6:30pm, in the Cohen Career Center Presentation Room A. Please RSVP to [[bgmont]] no later than March 5, 2014.