W&M Libraries Events
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The WRC is here to support you!
In free, one-on-one sessions, our trained peer consultants help you learn how to construct an argument, deliver a presentation, or use and cite sources.
A library experience to-go. The pop-up library is a temporary assortment of books and other library materials selected with students in mind and meeting them where they spend the most time.
At the Writing Resources Center, we help you strengthen your writing and communication skills by providing resources, workshops, and one-on-one support for all kinds of assignments and projects that require writing.
Grad student Write-ins are writing retreats hosted by GWRC on Saturday mornings. Come once, or come every week! We provide snacks. You should bring your own beverage and a can-do attitude!
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Acceptance is contingent upon your presence at trivia night. Trivia begins on 17 September at 7 in the evening. A magical feast will be enjoyed.
Please join us for a campus wide presentation by Joan Lippincott on the future of scholarship on Wednesday, September 18 at 2-3:30 PM in the Ford Classroom (ground floor) of Swem Library.
On November 8th, 1917 soldiers loyal to the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, more commonly known as the Bolsheviks, overthrew that nation's government and began their 74 year experiment with Communism.
Almanacs are annual guidebooks, used as a calendar and sometimes as a diary, for looking up astronomical data or astrological signs, and even as a weather forecast.
Grad student Write-ins are writing retreats hosted by GWRC on Saturday mornings. Come once, or come every week! We provide snacks. You should bring your own beverage and a can-do attitude!
The William & Mary Living Library is a one-day event promoting the human experience of finding common ground through dialogue.
Small Steps to Big Changes, the first session of the Introspection, Investigation & Iteration Workshop Series for Fall 2019
Grad student Write-ins are writing retreats hosted by GWRC on Saturday mornings. Come once, or come every week! We provide snacks. You should bring your own beverage and a can-do attitude!
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