A&S Graduate Studies
[PAST EVENT] Physics Colloquium - Xiangdong Ji
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Prof. Xiangdong Ji, University of Maryland, Title of talk: Exposing the hidden glue of the mundane world
Abstract: Gluons in the low-energy strong-interaction world are like Mafias in Sicily, allegedly control everything but there is no hard evidence. The potentially-detectable glues are confined to a small region of space of order one fermi, and are completely blind to electromagnetism and weak interactions. However, they contribute significantly to the momentum, mass, spin and other properties of the protons and neutrons---the dominant matter component in our visible universe. In this talk, I will discuss how to expose them through special processes in electron scattering on nucleons and nuclei at JLab and future EIC. I will also describe theoretical efforts to compute their effects through large-scale lattice QCD simulations.