School of Education Events
[PAST EVENT] Transition University
Online Course
Life is full of transitions. For families of children with disabilities thinking about the future
can bring mixed emotions. Some families are just trying to make it through day-to-day challenges and might not feel they have the energy to think about what happens after high school. Others may want to plan for that transition, but are confused by unfamiliar language, complex steps, and the many agencies that may be involved in adult services.
Join us for this FREE 4-week self-paced online course that focuses on providing parentfriendly
transition information to help make transition planning easier. This course is designed for parents/caregivers of elementary, middle or high school special education
students to learn more about transition services intended to help youth with disabilities make the transition from high school to the world of adulthood. It is never too early to
start learning about transition services and begin taking steps to prepare for the future. Topics covered in this course will include:
What do we mean by Transition and Why is it Important?
- Transition Services in the IEP
- Guardianship, Power of Attorney, and Age of Majority
- Special Needs Trusts and ABLE accounts
- Letters of Intent
- Transitioning into Independent Living including employment, further education, housing,
transportation, etc. - Connecting to Adult Services