W&M Featured Events
[PAST EVENT] Rocket Pitch at the Entrepreneurship Center
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Miller 3041101 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Access & Features
- Free food
- Registration/RSVP
![The Entrepreneurship Center is dedicated to educating, inspiring, and supporting students in developing the skills of an entrepreneur.](https://events.wm.edu/images/event_uploads/njdantzlerward_2019_08_18_12_48_42.jpg)
Welcome to Rocket Pitch! Every Friday at 2 PM, up to 5 students* can pitch their ideas in front of other students and entrepreneurs. A select few judges will analyze ideas based on the quality of research done in the following fields:
The Problem - What problem does your business address?
Market Research - What is the target market for your business, and how large is that market?
Competition - Who are the competitors to your business? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
Solution - What is your unique solution to the problem?
The pitcher with the most compelling research will take home $100, but everyone wins; after the event, pitchers and other students can stay for co-working hours (from 3-5 PM) to discuss their ideas with others, improve those ideas, and learn from professionals.
The Entrepreneurship Center is dedicated to providing students with the tools they need to make their ideas a reality. So drop by, enjoy some free food, take time to learn from others, and let the Center boost your idea to the next level!
*Anyone can come to Rocket Pitch; but if you want to be a pitcher, RSVP here: https://tinyurl.com/y33mf8ku
Nicholas Dantzlerward (njdantzlerward@email.wm.edu)