W&M Featured Events
[PAST EVENT] VIMS After Hours -Small but Mighty: The Impact of Winter Phytoplankton Blooms on Striped Bass
VIMS - Watermen's Hall, McHugh Auditorium, also available as a live webinar1375 Greate Road
Gloucester Point, VA 23062Map this location
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- Open to the public
- Registration/RSVP

Don't let their size fool you. Phytoplankton may be microscopic, but they play a large role in our ecosystem, economy, and food supply. Join Dr. Nicole Millette, assistant professor at VIMS, as she discusses how phytoplankton, or microscopic plants, and other environmental conditions impact the number of striped bass in the upper Chesapeake Bay each year.
Designed for an adult audience, After Hours lectures are held in person on the Gloucester Point campus and as a live-streamed webinar. Lectures are free, but registration is required. Register now!
We are excited to offer this lecture in-person in McHugh Auditorium on VIMS' Gloucester Point Campus! Face masks are optional for all individuals in indoor spaces on the VIMS campus. This lecture will also be available as a live-streamed webinar. Registration is required for both in-person and webinar attendees. Webinar links will be sent in all registration confirmation emails. At this time, we are expecting a hybrid event, but registrants will be notified in advance if the event moves to a virtual only format.
An inherent risk of exposure to harmful pathogens like COVID-19 exists where people gather for events such as this one. Due to the contagious nature of COVID-19, VIMS/William & Mary request that all attendees follow the posted guidelines while participating in the event. By choosing to attend this event, you are acknowledging the risks, your willingness to assume those risks, and your agreement to abide by the applicable health and safety measures that are in place at the time of this event.
As we move forward, our planning must necessarily be flexible and will be based on current health data. For the latest information on VIMS and W&M’s pandemic response, please visit the Path Forward website.
VIMS Programs, [[v|programs]], 804-684-7061