W&M Featured Events
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The grand finale of our fall semester programming, Demo Day (also known as the Entrepreneurial Thinker's Showcase) will include a panel discussion with Kendrick Ashton '98, co-founder of The St. James Group and Ron Gilden '74, CEO of Healthcare Technologies International, entrepreneurs whose ventures align with our current UN Sustainable Development Goal of focus, UN SDG #3 - Good Health and Well-being; Rocket Pitch Faceoff - a competition for cash prizes with returning winners from this past semester's Rocket Pitch events; and the introduction and call for nominations of the 1st Annual Henry Broaddus Innovator Award, to recognize an undergraduate student whose application of entrepreneurial thinking is characterized by being "for the good," distinctly collaborative, and bold. Afterwards we will celebrate a semester of hard work with a networking after party, complete with drinks and hors d'oeuvres. Seating is limited, reserve yours today!