[PAST EVENT] Class of 1989's Freshman Hall Dorm Toast & Mixer

October 18, 2014
7pm - 9pm
Your Freshman Dorm & Wren Vista Tent
Gather with your freshman dorm classmates and raise a toast to many fond memories from 7-8 p.m. We will be toasting the following dorm buildings: Barrett Hall, DuPont Hall, Monroe Hall, Yates Hall, Fauquier Hall, Hunt Hall, Nicholson Hall, Spotswood Hall and Taliaferro Hall.

Preregistered guests will receive a complimentary champagne glass.

Don't have a dorm to toast? Join your fellow classmates to celebrate your 25th reunion at your class Mixer under the beautiful Wren Vista tent from 7:30-9 p.m. There will be access to view the Great Hall to reminisce. Join your friends before heading over to the big Bash!

For more information contact: Carol Dyke 757.221.1184 [[w|cadyke]]