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[PAST EVENT] Virtual Fitwell Series: Mindful Communication
If you are curious about enhancing your communication skills with speaking from a place of presence and intentionality as well as skillfully hearing the words being shared, please join in on this four part series. We will be learning and practicing skills that support truthful, helpful, kind, and context-sensitive elements of communication so that “message sent = message received”.
This four-part series will meet virtually Feb. 10, 17, 24 at 4 PM. Registration is a commitment to attend all sessions.
Register in the W&M Wellness App or at wellness.wm.edu by searching "mindful" in the top search bar.
Martha Rouleau is an Adjunct Lecturer, holds a Qualified Teacher Status in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, and is a 200-Hour Registered Yoga Teacher. She is trained in Compassionate Integrity, Mindful Communication, and Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness.
[[wellness, wellness@wm.edu]]