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[PAST EVENT] AMP / Twilight at Twilight Movie Night
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- Open to the public

Romance, adventure, and vampires. What more could you ask during the magical month of February?
Ring in this Valentine's Day holiday with a sensational screening of Twilight. Please join us at 7 pm for an otherworldly celebration of the greatest love story of all time. Come to Zable Stadium hungry for an epic evening full of love triangles, supernatural creatures, and quality acting. It will be an experience that you can surely sink your teeth ... or fangs ... into. The only question that remains is: are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?
COVID DISCLAIMER: We will be following the school's most recent COVID guidelines, and masks are to be worn throughout the event.
ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT: Alma Mater Productions is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. Please contact Tara Vasanth at wamamp@gmail.com with the subject “Twilight” to request disability accommodations. Advance notice is necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs. Your communication with us will remain confidential, as it will only be accessible to AMP Chairs, Directors, and Advisors.