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William & Mary
[PAST EVENT] Screen on the Green
September 2, 2017
8pm - 11:59pm
Access & Features
- Free food

Join Alma Mater Productions on Saturday, September 2nd for this semester's Screen on the Green! Come to the Sunken Garden for an open-air screening of the two cinematic hits, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" followed by "Wonder Woman." This is a FREE EVENT and there will be popcorn as well as other free food! Bring blankets!
"Raiders of the Lost Ark"-8 PM
"Wonder Woman"-10 PM
This Event Appears On
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- Transfer Orientation Events
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- Dinwiddie Orientation Schedule
- Brown Orientation Schedule
- Eagle Orientation Schedule
- Willis Orientation Schedule
- Hunt Orientation Schedule
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- Student Transition Engagement Programs
- My First W&M Weekend
- Reves Orientation Schedule