Applied Research Center Core Labs Resource Availability
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Ellipsometer/Bill Cooke W&M
Phenom SEM -- Mohsin Jamil (PI Mumtaz Q.)
Phenom SEM/EDS Nathanial Ingle (PI Clem H.)
Phenom SEM/EDS Nathanial Ingle (PI Clem H.)
Wednesday, August 7
8am - 12pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC)
Hirox and Phenom/Mohsin Jamil/W&M Physics-Mumtaz Qazilbash
Hirox and Phenom/Mohsin Jamil/W&M Physics-Mumtaz Qazilbash
Wednesday, August 7
3pm - 5pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC)
Raman Microscope -- Jonah Oxman (PI Schneipp)
Raman Microscope -- Jonah Oxman (PI Schneipp)
Thursday, August 8
10am - 1pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC)
Hirox and Phenom/Mohsin Jamil/W&M Physics- Qazilbash
Hirox and Phenom/Mohsin Jamil/W&M Physics- Qazilbash
Thursday, August 8
11:30am - 12pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC)
Phenom SEM/EDS -- Aidan Lucas (PI Schniepp)
Phenom SEM/EDS -- Aidan Lucas (PI Schniepp)
Tuesday, August 13
2pm - 5pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC)
Phenom SEM/EDS -- David Lahneman (Weinert Industries)
Phenom SEM/EDS -- David Lahneman (Weinert Industries)
Wednesday, August 14
9am - 12pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC)
Hirox and Phenom/Mohsin Jamil/W&M Physics- Qazilbash
Hirox and Phenom/Mohsin Jamil/W&M Physics- Qazilbash
Friday, August 16
10am - 12pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC)
Phenom SEM/EDS -- Aidan Lucas (PI Schniepp)
Phenom SEM/EDS -- Aidan Lucas (PI Schniepp)
Friday, August 16
1pm - 5pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC)
Profilm Surface Profiler/Bill Cooke/ W&M
Profilm Surface Profiler/Bill Cooke/ W&M
Profilm Surface Profiler/Bill Cooke/ W&M
Thursday, August 22
12pm - 4pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC)
Phenom/Aidan Lucas/W&M
Hirox and Phenom/Mohsin Jamil/W&M Physics- Qazilbash
Hirox and Phenom/Mohsin Jamil/W&M Physics- Qazilbash
Sunday, August 25
2pm - 4:30pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC)
Phenom/Aidan Lucas/ W&M/Applied Science-Schniepp
Phenom/Aidan Lucas/ W&M/Applied Science-Schniepp
Tuesday, August 27
1pm - 4pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC)
Hirox and Phenom/Christopher M. Stevenson, Associate Professor, VCU/Olga to assist
Hirox and Phenom/Christopher M. Stevenson, Associate Professor, VCU/Olga to assist
Wednesday, August 28
11:30am - 4pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC)
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