Hulon Willis Association Brunch

October 20, 2024
10am - 11:30am
Alumni House
500 Richmond Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Access & Features
  • Paid event
  • Registration/RSVP

Join us for a delightful farewell brunch in honor of the Hulon Willis Association! As we bring a memorable Homecoming & Reunion Weekend to a close, we invite you to savor good food and great company while celebrating the rich legacy of our community.

This farewell brunch offers the perfect setting to enjoy a delicious meal, reconnect with old friends and forge new connections. It’s your last chance to catch up with fellow alumni and reflect on the wonderful moments shared throughout Homecoming. We look forward to seeing you there and making this farewell brunch a truly special occasion!

Early bird price (through Sept. 25): $30

Regular price: $35

Sponsored by: William & Mary Alumni Association