American Studies Events
[PAST EVENT] Equality Lab Virtual Symposium: Museums in Times of Crisis
via ZoomThe global pandemic has changed how many of us do a lot of things: from going to school, to caring for children, to working. Negotiating between a crisis in public health and a new wave of social unrest, cultural institutions, including museums, have had to adapt to radically new circumstances. This virtual symposium explores the different strategies that museums and museum professionals have embraced during these complex times. Some museums have used social media and virtual conferencing to engage new audiences and forge new institutional collaborations, while others have reimagined their gallery spaces in response to precarity stemming from decreased attendance and revenue. Still other professionals and activists have continued their work of decolonizing museums and challenging white supremacy within institutions that have proven to be, at best, reluctant to change. Join us for this special roundtable event as we share different projects and discuss the potential futures of museums. For Zoom meeting information, email or