[PAST EVENT] The Fall Recruiting Consortium (FRC)

October 24, 2014
All day
New York City
The Fall Recruiting Consortium (FRC) offers junior-level students the opportunity to interview for Summer 2015 internships, and offers senior-level students the opportunity to interview for full-time job opportunities beginning May 2015.

This selective consortium includes students from top liberal arts schools, including Bard, Sarah Lawrence, Swarthmore, Wesleyan and William & Mary. Companies that participate and recruit students come from the following fields:


To view employers and postings please use the FRC website: https://frc.experience.com/experience/login

Your username is your William & Mary email address and frc2014 (example: brsmithfrc2014). Your password is your student ID number (930 #)

All interviews will take place in New York City. Selected students will be invited to NYC to participate in the interview day.

Event is on October 24th, BUT the deadline to apply is September 29th.

Liz Ross (csga03@wm.edu) & Kathryn Compton (kecompton@wm.edu)