[PAST EVENT] Hillel- Welcome Back Shabbat Hour

September 1, 2017
5pm - 6pm
Sadler Center, James Room, Sadler Center First Floor - on the right at the very end of the hall from the main entrance.
200 Stadium Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location

It's the first Shabbat back on campus! Come eat and make friends with new and returning students as we celebrate Shabbat. All are welcome no matter their Jewish background or experience. 

For those who want to attend Shabbat services, some students will be walking to the local unaffiliated-but-kinda-reconstructionist/conservative synagogue together later that night. If you want to attend the 7:30pm services but can't make it to Shabbat hour, email Hillel President Alexina at amhaefner@email.wm.edu


Alexina Haefner- amhaefner@email.wm.edu