[PAST EVENT] Concurrent Session I ? Engineering Design Challenges: Innovation for Deeper Learning

June 18, 2018
10:45am - 12pm
School of Education, Holly
301 Monticello Ave
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location

Tami Byron, PK-12 STEM Instructional Supervisor
Angela Rhett, Program Administrator for Employee Expertise, Newport News Public Schools (VA)

Learn about a division-wide approach to embedding STEM in grades PK-12 that utilizes performance-based assessments and STEM competitions to develop skills in design thinking. In this interactive session, participants will experience an exemplar Engineering Design Challenge (EDC) developed in collaboration with a local industry partner. Each EDC is crafted to support the standards, demonstrate the interrelatedness of subject areas, and expose students to diverse career opportunities. Join us if you are looking for a practical approach to launch and advance STEM at all levels.

Conference Strand(s)
Cultivating Collaborative Cultures
Deepening Learning
Securing Accountability


[[surn]], 757-221-2353