[PAST EVENT] Young Professionals Online Networking Hour

January 22, 2020
12pm - 1pm
Connect online with fellow members of W&M's Young Guarde* from all over the world!

It's free, it's for only an hour and it's fun!

*Alumni within their first 10 years of graduation enjoy membership in the Young Guarde. The group’s governing body, the Young Guarde Council aides in outreach and programing for the Young Guarde as well as advises on issues relating to recently graduated alumni in conjunction with the Office of University Advancement. The Council focuses on enriching the lives of young alumni through cultural, intellectual, professional, and social programs. It seeks to strengthen the bonds between William & Mary alumni and the greater communities in which they live through service initiatives and opportunities.

How this online networking event works:
Online networking enables you to speed-network no matter where you are in the world. You can sign in from your computer, smartphone or tablet. The chats are text-based and timed, allowing you to make connections, exchange contact information, and end the hour with several new connections you didn't have before. A transcript of your conversations will be saved for you to access after each event, so you can look back at your chat history, review your notes, gather contact information and follow up!

We look forward to having you join us for this unique opportunity to connect with members of the William & Mary community from around the world.

Michael Steelman | masteelman@wm.edu | 202-836-8614