Women's Studies/Africana Studies brownbag
Friday, October 28
12pm - 1pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Room 314
Professor Ophera Davis of Bridgewater State University, Massachusetts, talks about her work with women survivors of Hurricane Katrina. Everyone welcome! Light lunch and beverages provided.
    Final Oral Examination for the Ph.D. Degree
    Friday, October 28
    12pm - 2:30pm
    Small Hall, Room 122
    Christopher A. Maher will defend his dissertation - NMR Study of Paramagnetic Nano-Checkerboard Superlattices.
      Paleoclimate Reconstruction using Karst Systems
      Friday, October 28
      McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 219
      Brown Bag by Max Cunningham
        Mathematics Colloquium: Richard Green (University of Colorado Boulder)
        Friday, October 28
        2pm - 3pm
        Jones Hall, Room 301
        Speaker: Richard Green (University of Colorado Boulder) Title: Morse matchings on polytopes and their subcomplexes
          Distinguished Speaker: Mohamed Gouda, National Science Foundation
          Friday, October 28
          McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 020
          Innovating for Society: The Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate in 2012
            Chemistry Seminar
            Friday, October 28
            3pm - 4pm
            Integrated Science Center (ISC), Room 1127
            "Twists and Turns in Alkaloid Synthesis: atropisomerism in the prodigiosins, bismurrayaquinone, and GB17"
              Biology Seminar: Peggy Cotter (UNC-Chapel Hill)
              Friday, October 28
              "New insight into Bvg-mediated signal transduction in Bordetella"
                Philosophy Colloquium Series
                Friday, October 28
                4pm - 6pm
                James Blair Hall
                Invited Speaker, John Martin Fischer, University of California, Riverside
                  LECHE & Drive By Vigils: the novels and poems of R. Zamora Linmark
                  Friday, October 28
                  6:30pm - 8:30pm
                  Wren Building, Great Hall
                  Award-winning author R. Zamora Linmark will read from his latest novel LECHE and his new poetry collection DRIVE BY VIGILS.
                    Senior Recital, Jonathan Grimes
                    Friday, October 28
                    Ewell Hall, Recital Hall
                    Come for a "Jam Session with Grimes." Jonathan will be presenting a lecture recital featuring pieces he learned at W&M as well as original pieces. Music will include the genres of Jazz, R&B and Gospel.