ELS Speaker Series: Hans von Spakovsky, former member, Federal Election Commission
Tuesday, March 22
12:50pm - 1:50am
Law School, Room 141
Mr. Spakovsky will be discussing pending litigation regarding section 5 of the VRA (Voting Rights Act) and discuss potential repercussions of future court decisions.
    With Babies and Banners: Story of the Women's Emergency Brigade
    Tuesday, March 22
    7:30pm - 9:30pm
    Blow Memorial Hall, Room 331
    Come See the Oscar Nominee for Best Documentary (1979), sponsored by Women's Studies in honor of Women's History Month. Dir. Lorraine Gray (45 minutes)

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      Ongoing Events

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      Islam Awareness Week: Muslims in America
      Monday, March 21 - Sunday, March 27
      McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 20
      As emotions run high with recent events, such as the congressional hearings on Muslims, the political uprisings in the Middle East, and the continued "War on Terror", come learn the Muslim Perspective!
      Choir Spring Tour
      Friday, March 18 - Wednesday, March 23
      To be announced
      Locations and times to be announced.
      Psychology Major Declaration Advising Weeks
      Monday, March 14 - Friday, March 25
      Integrated Science Center (ISC), 1st Floor Hallway
      For students who have signed up with an advisor between 02/28 and 03/04.
      Andrews Gallery Exhibition
      Thursday, February 24 - Thursday, March 24
      Andrews Hall, Andrews Gallery
      The Small Sculpture Show. Exhibiting Artists: Jayson Lowery, Yvette Kaiser-Smith, John Richardson, and Jay Sullivan.
      Title Pages: Department of Government
      Wednesday, February 16 - Friday, September 30
      Swem Library, Bright (Second Floor Rotunda) Gallery
      The fifth in a series of library exhibits of W&M faculty publications has opened at Swem. "Title Pages: An Exhibit of Publications from Faculty in the Government Department" is on display in the Bright Gallery in the second floor rotunda.
      Filipino-American Student Association 20th Anniversary
      Tuesday, January 25 - Monday, April 25
      Swem Library, Two flat cases in the Read & Relax area, First Floor
      Founded on December 3, 1991, FASA--the Filipino-American Student Association at William & Mary is celebrating its 20th anniversary as a student organization in 2011.
      Advising Walk-In Hours
      Monday, January 17 - Friday, April 29
      Ewell Hall
      Walk-in hours are: Mondays 2:00-4:00pm Tuesdays 10:00am - noon Thursdays 2:00-4:00pm
      Unlocking the Diary
      Friday, December 3 - Thursday, March 31
      Swem Library, Third Floor Rotunda Gallery
      For many people, diaries are the province of young girls, who pour out their secret sorrows and then lock them away from the prying eyes of friends and relatives. In this exhibit, we unlock the mystery of the diary, demonstrating their multiple forms.