Judge David J. Novak: The Prosecution of Zacarias Moussaoui for Role in 9-11 Attacks
Tuesday, January 22
3:30pm - 5pm
Law School, Room 133
Judge David J. Novak tried many high profile cases during his previous tenure in the U.S. Attorney's Office, including the prosecution of Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person convicted to date for his role in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
    Learn about the WM Summer Program in MONTPELLIER, France
    Tuesday, January 22
    4:40pm - 6pm
    Commons Dining Hall
    Come learn about the Program tonight at the STUDY ABROAD MINI FAIR Meet Students who went to Montpellier last year, meet Pr. Fauvel who will be directing the program this summer.

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      Ongoing Events

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      Christopher DeLaurenti at Andrews Gallery
      Thursday, January 17 - Thursday, January 31
      4pm - 5pm
      Andrews Hall, Andrews Gallery
      Christopher DeLaurenti, sound artist and Professor of Music at William & Mary, will have an exhibition entitled "Thrill: A Love Song" in Andrews Gallery from January 17 - 31, 2013.
      2013 Undergraduate Research Science Symposium
      Thursday, November 29 - Friday, January 25
      12:01am - 12pm
      Sadler Center, Tidewater A&B, York, James, Colony Rooms
      Sign up to present today! Students who have conducted research in the sciences can present their work at the 19th Annual Science Symposium. Registration deadline is Friday, January 25. Click {{http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SciSymp13, here}} to sign up.
      Open Minds: An Exhibit of Psychology Department Faculty Publications
      Monday, March 26 - Tuesday, April 30
      Swem Library, Bright Gallery
      "Open Minds: An Exhibit of Psychology Department Faculty Publications" displays significant published works and awards won by this outstanding group of faculty members.