University Teaching Project Workshop
Wednesday, April 12
11am - 12:30pm
Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201

Evaluating Evaluation:
How Does W&M?s Evaluation of Teaching Work?
Can We Make It Work Better?
Wednesday, April 12th, 11 am to 12:30 pm, Blow 201
Lunch provided

    Southern Smash
    Wednesday, April 12
    11am - 1pm
    Crim Dell Meadow

    Come smash scales (literally) on April 12th!

      "Transitional Justice and Support for Democracy. Evidence from Post-war West Germany"
      Wednesday, April 12
      12pm - 1:30pm
      Chancellors Hall (formerly Tyler Hall), Room 322

      Lecture by visiting scholar Giovanni Capoccia, Professor of Comparative Politics in the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford, where he is a Fellow of Corpus Christi College.

        Chipotle Fundraiser for the Bosnia Project
        Wednesday, April 12
        2pm - 9pm
        Chipotle at 143 Richmond Road in Williamsburg

        Eat at Chipotle on April 12th between 2:00pm and 9:00pm and 50% of the proceeds will be donated to the Bosnia Project! Don't forget to tell the cashier you're supporting the Project!

          WMSURE Managing the Student-Faculty Research Relationships
          Wednesday, April 12
          4pm - 6pm
          Swem Library, Ford Classroom

          Join our faculty panel: Professors Elizabeth Harbron, Jamie Settle, and Francis Tanglao-Aguas. Come get ideas on how to maximize your research relationship with your professors. Please register here.

            Campus COLL 300 Presentation: "Inclusion and the University"
            Wednesday, April 12
            Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium

            Emiko Soltis, Executive Director of Freedom University, and several Freedom University students give the third of three campus COLL 300 presentations scheduled for Spring 2017.

              We Are Human
              Wednesday, April 12
              Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium

              Inclusion and the University: Conversations with Students from Freedom University

                The Project on International Peace and Security's Annual Research Symposium
                Wednesday, April 12
                6pm - 9pm
                Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Choate Room; 1779 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington D.C.

                Join the PIPS undergraduate research fellows as they present innovative solutions to emerging international security challenges. 


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                  Ongoing Events

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                  Non-Majors' Exhibition
                  Friday, April 7 - Friday, April 14
                  Andrews Hall, Andrews Foyer

                  Please visit the Andrews Common Area/Foyer and see the exhibition of art by students who are non majors within our department and W&M community.

                  A reception will be held on April 13, 4-6pm.

                  All are invited.

                  Fall 2017 Schedule Adjustments/Registration for Continuing Students
                  Saturday, March 25 - Saturday, July 1
                  Stetson House, Website
                  For more information on the registration process, visit the webpage listed below.
                  Summer 2017 Registration for New and Continuing Degree-Seeking Students:  Session 2
                  Monday, March 6 - Saturday, July 1
                  Blow Memorial Hall

                  Current graduate students who are enrolled in a degree-seeking program should register for all summer courses via Banner Self-Service.

                  Summer 2017 Registration for New and Continuing Degree-Seeking Students:  Session 1
                  Monday, March 6 - Monday, May 22
                  Blow Memorial Hall

                  Current graduate students who are enrolled in a degree-seeking program should register for all summer courses via Banner Self-Service.

                  Deadline to apply to graduate for January 2018, May 2018 and August 2018
                  Wednesday, February 15 - Sunday, October 1
                  Blow Memorial Hall

                  Apply to graduate in 2018 with the Online Graduation Application

                  Form is Open February 15 - October 1, 2017

                  For guidance please see  the Graduation Application website.

                  HEART (Human Engagement, Awareness, and Response to Trafficking)
                  Tuesday, January 31 - Tuesday, April 25
                  7pm - 7pm
                  Washington Hall, Room 301

                  HEART meets every Tuesday from 7 to 8 pm. If interested in the issue of human trafficking and potentially being a member of HEART, come on out to any meeting!