Honors Thesis Defense: Greg Taylor
Monday, April 24
1pm - 2pm
Jones Hall, Room 131

Title: : Involutions and real representations in the finite orthogonal groups

Adviser: Ryan Vinroot

    Honors Thesis Defense: Haoge Chang
    Monday, April 24
    2pm - 3pm
    Jones Hall, Room 113

    Title: Completion of TP and TN Border Patterns

    Advisor: Charles Johnson

      LIVE: Symposium on Human Development & Data Science
      Monday, April 24 - Thursday, April 27
      4pm - 5:30pm
      Blow Memorial Hall, Board of Visitors Room

      COLL150 / INTR150 Freshman Symposium on the global dimensions of human development and the application of data science methods

        Director's Workshop
        Monday, April 24 - Tuesday, April 25
        7:30pm - 9pm
        Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) Memorial Hall, Studio Theatre
        Come out for a night of one-act plays! Premiering are "Not Not Not Not Not Enough Oxygen" by Caryl Churchill, "Relative Strangers" by Sheri Wilner, and "Night Vision" by Dominique Morisseau! Following each night will be a talkback with cast and directors!

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          Ongoing Events

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          Rewriting Modern Chinese Literature: An Undergraduate Conference
          Tuesday, April 18 - Tuesday, April 25
          Washington Hall, Room 302

          Undergraduate students present their research on modern Chinese literature and culture. 

          Fall 2017 Schedule Adjustments/Registration for Continuing Students
          Saturday, March 25 - Saturday, July 1
          Stetson House, Website
          For more information on the registration process, visit the webpage listed below.
          Summer 2017 Registration for New and Continuing Degree-Seeking Students:  Session 2
          Monday, March 6 - Saturday, July 1
          Blow Memorial Hall

          Current graduate students who are enrolled in a degree-seeking program should register for all summer courses via Banner Self-Service.

          Summer 2017 Registration for New and Continuing Degree-Seeking Students:  Session 1
          Monday, March 6 - Monday, May 22
          Blow Memorial Hall

          Current graduate students who are enrolled in a degree-seeking program should register for all summer courses via Banner Self-Service.

          Deadline to apply to graduate for January 2018, May 2018 and August 2018
          Wednesday, February 15 - Sunday, October 1
          Blow Memorial Hall

          Apply to graduate in 2018 with the Online Graduation Application

          Form is Open February 15 - October 1, 2017

          For guidance please see  the Graduation Application website.

          HEART (Human Engagement, Awareness, and Response to Trafficking)
          Tuesday, January 31 - Tuesday, April 25
          7pm - 7pm
          Washington Hall, Room 301

          HEART meets every Tuesday from 7 to 8 pm. If interested in the issue of human trafficking and potentially being a member of HEART, come on out to any meeting!