New/Transfer Student Registration Period 2  (Undergraduates)
Tuesday, January 21
All day
Location not specified

New/Transfer student registration period 2

    Spring Classes Begin (Grad Business)
    Tuesday, January 21
    All day
    Location not specified
      Inclusive Teaching in STEM Workshop
      Tuesday, January 21
      9am - 11:30am
      Swem Library, Ford Room

      What can faculty do to improve course outcomes and retention of underrepresented students in STEM? Prof. Jim Swartz of Grinnell College will facilitate an interactive workshop for STEM faculty.

        Add/Drop period begins
        Tuesday, January 21
        Location not specified

        Add/Drop period begins. Juniors and Seniors may elect to take a course Pass/Fail or Audit.

          Seminar on Retention of Underrepresented Students in STEM
          Tuesday, January 21
          3pm - 4pm

          Prof. Jim Swartz of Grinnell College will present “Twenty-Five Years of Efforts to Better Serve the Underserved: Moving from Fixing the Students to Fixing Us”.

            Ongoing Events

            New/Transfer Student Orientation
            Friday, January 17 - Tuesday, January 21
            Location not specified

            New/Transfer Student Orientation