Career Pathways in Health Policy: a Conversation with Massey Whorley '06, MPP '08
Thursday, November 2
Chancellors Hall (formerly Tyler Hall), Room 322

Join W&M alum Massey Whorley ’06, MPP ’08, a Principal with the healthcare consulting firm Avalere, for a conversation about how to set yourself up for success in Public Policy and Health Policy careers.

Oxford Study Abroad Information Session 
Thursday, November 2

Join Dean Suzanne Raitt & Dr. Josephine Reynolds of Hertford College, Oxford, for an information about study abroad at Oxford! 

Final Student Conservation Research Presentations
Thursday, November 2
2pm - 5pm
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Brinkley Commons or Zoom

Students in the Institute for Integrative Conservation's year-long Conservation Research Program will be presenting the findings from the research they completed in collaboration with external conservation partners and faculty in 2023.

Keck Environmental Field Laboratory Tour
Thursday, November 2
4pm - 5pm
Keck Environmental Field Lab
Vilnius W&M Faculty-led Summer Study Abroad Program Information Session
Thursday, November 2
James Blair Hall, Room 206

Learn more about the W&M summer study abroad program in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Japanese Studies Open House!
Thursday, November 2
5pm - 5:30pm
Washington Hall, Room 315

Join the Japanese Studies Program for our annual Open House, where you can learn more about exciting new courses for Spring, the major and minor in Japanese Studies, study-abroad opportunities, and more.  Delicious snacks provided.  We hope to see you!

Ongoing Events

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Advising period
Monday, October 23 - Friday, November 3
Location not specified

Advising period

Apply to be a Writing Resources Center Consultant!
Monday, October 9 - Wednesday, November 22
1am - 1am
Swem Library, Writing Resources Center

Interested in helping students with their writing and communication skills? Apply to work as a paid writing center consultant!