Career Development & Professional Engagement Events
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Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement
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A Day in D.C.: Brookings Institution
Friday, January 17
9:15am - 10:30am
Location not specified
Join the Cohen Career Center for A Day in D.C., where we will participate in a series of site visits to the workplaces of W&M alumni who are working at federal agencies, think tanks, and nonprofit organizations.
A Day in D.C.: Public International Law & Policy Group (PILPG)
Friday, January 17
11am - 12pm
Location not specified
Join the Cohen Career Center for A Day in D.C., where we will participate in a series of site visits to the workplaces of W&M alumni who are working at federal agencies, think tanks, and nonprofit organizations.
A Day in D.C.: The Department of State
Friday, January 17
1:30pm - 4pm
Location not specified
Join the Cohen Career Center for A Day in D.C., where we will participate in a series of site visits to the workplaces of W&M alumni who are working at federal agencies, think tanks, and nonprofit organizations.
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