Learn about the ESL/Bilingual Education program at the School of Education
Wednesday, October 25
11:30am - 12:30pm

Learn about the William & Mary School of Education's ESL/Bilingual Education program.

Crash Course: Personal Branding
Wednesday, October 25
12pm - 12:30pm
Cohen Career Center, Presentation Room

Join the Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement for the Personal Branding crash course. In this workshop, students will learn how to curate and express their personal and professional brand.

    Learn about the MEd in Higher Education Administration at the School of Education
    Wednesday, October 25
    1pm - 2pm
    Zoom Webinar

    Learn about the MEd in Higher Education Administration at the School of Education.

    US Indo-Pacific Command Internship Forum
    Wednesday, October 25
    5:30pm - 7pm
    Sadler Center, The Slice

    Stop by The Slice in Sadler on Wednesday, Oct. 25 between 5:30 – 7pm for free pizza and to learn about summer internships at USINDOPACOM headquarters in Hawaii!


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    Ongoing Events

    Writing Resources Center Open for Fall Semester
    Monday, September 11 - Friday, December 8
    1pm - 4pm
    Swem Library, Writing Resources Center (Swem 145)

    At the Writing Resources Center, trained peer consultants offer individual assistance with writing, presentation, and other communication assignments across disciplines and at any stage, from generating ideas to polishing a final product.