
Ongoing Events

Thirteenth W&M Faculty Show presented by the Muscarelle Museum of Art
Saturday, September 12 - Sunday, January 17
Muscarelle Museum of Art
Recent works of the teaching studio art faculty including visiting instructors and emeriti professors of William & Mary will be featured in an exhibition Faculty Show 13 at the Muscarelle Museum of Art from September 12, 2015 through January 17, 2016.
Joseph Palin Thorley Exhibit
Wednesday, June 10 - Sunday, June 12
Swem Library, 3rd Floor Rotunda Gallery
The exhibit features documents, photographs, and selected ceramic works from the Joseph Palin Thorley Papers in Swem Library's Special Collections Research Center.
From Fights to Rights: The Long Road to a More Perfect Union Exhibits
Monday, October 3 - Thursday, December 31
8am - 5pm
Swem Library, Special Collections Research Center
Visit Swem Library for exhibits from the "From Fights To Rights" project commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Civil War and the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement. Exhibits rotate at least twice each year.