Renowned Poet, Carrie Etter, Jenkins Endowment Poet from England, Spring 2019 US Tour
Wednesday, May 1
Location not specified

American writer Carrie Etter has lived in England since 2001 and taught Creative Writing at Bath Spa University since 2004. Her poems have appeared in The Iowa Review, The New Republic, Seneca Review, and many other journals.

Ongoing Events

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Exams (Undergraduates, Grad A&S, VIMS)
Monday, April 29 - Friday, May 3
Location not specified


"Following in their Footsteps"  Women Artists from the President's Collection of Art
Wednesday, August 29 - Sunday, May 12
Sadler Center

As part of the 100 Years of Women celebration at William & Mary, The President's Collection of Art presents Following in their Footsteps at the Sadler Center. This exhibition showcases alumane art thematically depicting works by women, of women.