Chesapeake Digital Humanities Consortium
Friday, February 21
12pm - 8pm
Swem Library, Ford Classroom, Ground Floor

The Chesapeake Digital Humanities Consortium will be holding its first symposium on Friday, February 21st, 2020. The symposium will be hosted by William & Mary with Catherine Knight Steele keynoting.


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Ongoing Events

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British and Colonial Antecedents of American Liberties (Wolf Law Library Exhibit)
Tuesday, October 1 - Sunday, March 15
Law School, Wolf Law Library

An exhibition of rare books on early American law from the collection of Sid Lapidus at the Wolf Law Library at William & Mary Law School.

The Daragan Collection of Almanacs
Thursday, September 19 - Saturday, August 1
Swem Library, Bright Gallery, 2nd Floor Rotunda

Almanacs are annual guidebooks, used as a calendar and sometimes as a diary, for looking up astronomical data or astrological signs, and even as a weather forecast. 

The  Cold Wars
Thursday, September 19 - Sunday, May 3
Swem Library, 3rd Floor Rotunda Gallery

On November 8th, 1917 soldiers loyal to the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, more commonly known as the Bolsheviks, overthrew that nation's government and began their 74 year experiment with Communism.

Paintings by Roser Bru
Friday, August 31 - Sunday, May 10
Swem Library, Second Floor, next to Center for Geospatial Analysis