W&M Libraries Events
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W&M Libraries
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Valentine's Coffee Hour with STLI!
Tuesday, February 14
2pm - 4pm
Swem Library, G64
We'd value the opportunity to collaborate with you to enhance your teaching, assessment, and digital learning efforts this semester. Drop by Swem, G64 anytime from 2-4pm on Valentine's Day to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee and meet a STLI team member.
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Ongoing Events
On The Money - Financial Literacy
Wednesday, February 8 - Wednesday, May 3
10am - 11:30am
Swem Library, Cox Media Lab
Writing Resources Center Open for Spring Semester
Monday, February 6 - Friday, May 12
Swem Library, https://wm.mywconline.net/
At the Writing Resources Center, trained peer consultants offer individual assistance with writing, presentation, and other communication assignments across disciplines and at any stage, from generating ideas to polishing a final product.