The Confidence Map Book Discussion
Thursday, July 25
10am - 11am
Virtual (Zoom)

A guided discussion about Professor Peter Atwater's book, The Confidence Map: Charting a Path from Chaos to Clarity, in preparation for the Professional Development Days in August, presented by Candice Benjes-Small and Katalin Wargo.

Naval History in Special Collections
Thursday, July 25
5pm - 7pm
Swem Library, Special Collections Research Center, 1st floor of Swem

Please join us on July 25 for an evening of Naval History in Special Collections, featuring unique and one-of-kind Navy memorabilia from W&M’s Special Collections.


Ongoing Events

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Writing and Communication Center Open ONLINE for Summer
Tuesday, May 28 - Friday, August 2
9am - 10pm
Swem Library,

At the Writing Resources Center, trained peer consultants offer individual assistance with writing, presentation, and other communication assignments across disciplines and at any stage, from generating ideas to polishing a final product.