Ongoing Events

Beating the Blues
Tuesday, October 30 - Tuesday, November 13
3:30pm - 4:30pm
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio B

Understand the symptoms of depression better and identify ways to better manage them. 

Monday, October 29 - Monday, November 12
1pm - 2pm
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio B

Brainstorming coping strategies.

Managing Anxiety 
Friday, October 26 - Friday, November 16
12:45pm - 1:45pm
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio B

Learn ways to manage anxiety. 

Relaxation Sessions - 3 Part Series
Thursday, October 25 - Thursday, November 8
3:30pm - 4:15pm
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, 2nd Floor

Engage in relaxation sessions to reduce stress and anxiety.