Ryan Mutter Talk: Responding to the Opioid Crisis
Thursday, November 4
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Chancellors Hall (formerly Tyler Hall), Room 322

Ryan Mutter is an Analyst at the Health Policy Studies Unit, Health Analysis Division of the U.S. Congressional Budget Office. He will speak about “Responding to the Opioid Crisis.”  

Local Immigrant & Refugee Experiences: A Discussion with the Immigration Law Clinic
Thursday, November 4
8pm - 9pm
McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 20

Learn about the experiences and realities of local immigrants & refugees in a discussion with guest speakers Nicole Alanko and Prof. Kern-Scheerer from the W&M Immigration Law Clinic. This event is hosted by WMFIRE.

Ongoing Events

Registration for Spring 2022
Monday, October 25 - Friday, February 4
Stetson House

Registration for Spring 2022 began October 25, 2021. Tuition and fees will be billed December 13, 2021 and due January 3, 2022.  Students are strongly encouraged to register by December 10.  Spring Registration for New Students begins January 3, 2022.