University Recognition Day
Thursday, July 1
All day
Location not specified

Offices closed. Classes may be held, check with your dean's office.

    Christopher Thomas Johnson, Physics - Final Oral Dissertation Defense [Zoom]
    Thursday, July 1
    8am - 10:50am

    Christopher Thomas Johnson, Physics - Final Oral Dissertation Defense
    Zoom link is available upon request. Please email [[w|evwilk,Ellie]]
    Title: “Excited J- - Resonances in Meson-Meson Scattering from Lattice QCD”


      Summer Session I Classes End
      Friday, July 2
      All day
      Location not specified

      Summer Session I classes end. Classes began on June 1.

        University Recognition Day
        Friday, July 2
        All day
        Location not specified

        Offices closed. Classes may be held, check with your dean's office.

          Independence Day (Observed)
          Monday, July 5
          All day
          Location not specified

          Offices closed. Classes may be held, check with your dean's office.

            Summer Session II Classes BeginAdd/Drop period begins
            Tuesday, July 6
            All day
            Location not specified

            Summer Session II classes begin. Classes run through August 7.

              Pre-Defense Deadline for Students Submitting a Thesis or Dissertation for August 2021 graduation
              Friday, July 9
              All day
              Stetson House

              Four steps are required at least two weeks before you defend. July 9 is the last day by which you may meet this requirement if you intend to graduate in August 2021.

                Summer Session I final grades due
                Friday, July 9
                All day
                Location not specified

                 Spring grades due at 12 p.m.

                  Summer Session II Add/Drop Period Ends
                  Friday, July 9
                  All day
                  Location not specified

                  Summer Session II Add/Drop period

                    Summer Session III Withdrawal Period ends
                    Friday, July 9
                    All day
                    Location not specified

                    Summer Session III Withdrawal Period: June 11 - July 9

                      Jump-Start Data Science Speaker Series
                      Friday, July 9
                      1pm - 2pm
                      Cohen Career Center, Virtual
                        2021 Employee Convocation
                        Friday, July 16
                        9am - 11am
                        Wren Building, Wren Yard

                        On behalf of President Rowe, W&M employees are invited to join your colleagues for a Convocation for staff and faculty to be held on Friday, July 16, from 9-11 a.m., beginning in the Wren Yard. 

                        No parking permit will be required to attend. 

                        Webinar: Structuring an Essay for Clear Ideas
                        Tuesday, July 20
                        2pm - 3:15pm

                        In this Writing Resources Center webinar, you will learn how to structure an essay in a way that attends to the reader's logic. You'll learn how to create an "essay map," and you'll explore strategies for guiding your reader through your work. 

                        Shuangli Du, Physics - Final Oral Dissertation Defense [Zoom]
                        Wednesday, July 21
                        2pm - 5pm

                        Shuangli Du, Physics - Final Oral Dissertation Defense
                        Zoom link is available upon request. Please email [[w|evwilk,Ellie]]
                        Title: “AC & DC Zeeman Interferometric Sensing with Ultracold Trapped Atoms on Chip”


                          Yiyu Zhou, Physics - Final Oral Dissertation Defense [Zoom]
                          Thursday, July 22
                          12:30pm - 3:30pm

                          Yiyu Zhou, Physics - Final Oral Dissertation Defense
                          Zoom link is available upon request. Please email [[w|evwilk,Ellie]]
                          Title: Proton Spin Structure from Simultaneous Monte Carlo Global QCD Analysis


                            Webinar: Writing Stronger Paragraphs
                            Thursday, July 22
                            2pm - 3:15pm

                            In this Writing Resources Center webinar, we will consider how the paragraph functions as a form of punctuation, compare well-developed and poorly-developed examples, and discover several types of paragraphs that can add clarity and focus to your work. 

                            Hao Xu, Computer Science - Dissertation Defense
                            Thursday, July 22
                            3pm - 5pm
                            McGlothlin-Street Hall, zoom

                            Hao Xu, Computer Science - Dissertation Defense
                            Title: Combining Performance Profiling and Modeling for Accuracy and Efficiency
                            Advisor: Dr. Xu Liu
                            Location:  Zoom Meeting

                              Summer Session II Withdrawal Period Ends
                              Friday, July 23
                              All day
                              Location not specified

                              Summer Session II Withdrawal Period Begins

                                Webinar: Revising Essays--Editing and Proofreading
                                Monday, July 26
                                2pm - 3:15pm

                                In this Writing Resources Center webinar, you'll learn strategies to focus your revision process on elements that will make the biggest difference in the quality of your paper. You'll also learn how to identify and correct common sentence-level errors.  

                                Assertiveness Skills Training
                                Wednesday, July 28
                                via Zoom

                                This 45-minute workshop aims to improve student’s confidence through assertiveness training. Through this workshop students will learn strategies to help improve their communicative abilities and enhance interpersonal skills.

                                  Webinar: Clear and Memorable Presentations
                                  Wednesday, July 28
                                  2pm - 3:15pm

                                  Join the Writing Resources Center for an interactive webinar to help you learn how to create a presentation that audiences will enjoy and remember. You'll discover the key features of a good presentation -- and you'll learn what pitfalls to avoid. 

                                  National Fellowships application highlights
                                  Thursday, July 29
                                  2pm - 3:30pm

                                  This event is for current W&M juniors and recent alums who are interested in applying to national prestigious fellowships. Hear tips and best practices for preparing your  curriculum vitae/resume  from the experts at the Cohen Career Center.

                                    Unapologetically Ambitious: A Talk With One of Silicon Valley’s First Female African American CEOs
                                    Thursday, July 29
                                    3pm - 4pm

                                    Please join us for an interview with one of Silicon Valley’s first female African American CEOs, as she recounts how she overcame the challenges she faced as a young black woman, wife, and mother, managing her personal and professional responsibilities.

                                    W&M Professional Networks Online Networking Hour
                                    Thursday, July 29
                                    3pm - 4pm

                                    Connect with fellow members of the W&M community from all over the world to share your expertise and build your professional network!

                                    Final Thesis or Dissertation Submission Deadline for August 2021 graduation
                                    Friday, July 30
                                    All day
                                    Stetson House, Room 201

                                    Final submission deadline for A&S graduate students to satisfy degree requirements for graduation in August 2021


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