Add/Drop Period Ends (Summer Session 3)
Thursday, June 5
All day
Location not specified

Summer Session 3 Add/Drop Ends.

    Withdrawal Period Begins (Summer Session 3)
    Friday, June 6
    All day
    Location not specified

    Summer Session 3 Withdrawal Period Begins. It ends on July 4.

      Withdrawal Period Ends (Summer Session 1)
      Friday, June 13
      All day
      Location not specified

      Summer Session 1 Withdrawal Period ends

        Juneteenth (Observed)
        Thursday, June 19
        All day
        Location not specified

        Offices closed. Classes may meet, check syllabus.

          Last Day of Classes (Summer Session 1)
          Friday, June 27
          All day
          Location not specified

          Summer Session 1 classes end. Classes began on May 27.

            First Day of Classes; Add/Drop Period begins (Summer Session 2)
            Monday, June 30
            All day
            Location not specified

            Summer Session 2 classes begin. Classes run through August 1.