Courageous Leadership in Crisis 
Wednesday, April 15
7pm - 8:30pm
Online Webinar

Join us at 7pm on Wednesday, April 15 for a discussion on courageous leadership in times of crisis. 

    W&M Corona Coffee Conversation - Virtual Event
    Friday, April 17
    9am - 9:30am
    Washington Center

    Please join us for our third Corona Coffee Conversation on Friday, April 17 at 9:00am!

      W&M Corona Coffee Conversation
      Tuesday, April 21
      9am - 9:30am
      Washington Center
      Please join us for the fourth installment of the W&M Corona Coffee Conversation Series on Tuesday, April 24!
        W&M D.C. Alumni-to-Student Online Networking Hour
        Wednesday, April 22
        3pm - 4pm
        Online - Brazen

        Join the W&M Washington Center through this online networking session, in which William & Mary students will be matched with D.C. Metro area professionals from a variety of organizations.

        W&M Corona Coffee Conversation - Virtual Event
        Friday, April 24
        9am - 9:30am
        Washington Center

        Please join the W&M Washington Center for virtual coffee and conversation on Friday, April 24!  

          W&M Corona Coffee Conversations - Virtual Event
          Tuesday, April 28
          9am - 9:30am
          Washington Center

          Join the W&M Washington Center for virtual coffee and conversation on Tuesday, April 28th! Open to faculty, students, and staff!

            W&M D.C. Alumni Panel: How to Develop Professional Soft Skills and Network Effectively
            Wednesday, April 29
            12pm - 1pm
            Online - Zoom

            Get a taste of Study in D.C.! Crystal Bailey, J.D. '09, Doug Bunch '02, J.D. '06, Chloe Madvig '18 and Jason Maga '00 will lead a panel on how to develop professional soft skills - networking, engaging potential employers, conduct the workplace, and more!