Diversity & Inclusion Events
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The Innocence Club is hosting Anthony Ray Hinton, who served 30 years on Alabama's death row for a crime he didn't commit, on Sunday, October 2. RSVP: https://tinyurl.com/hintonrsvp . For more information, @innocencewm on Instagram.
Join us for our weekly Mental Health Mondays as we discuss coming out and tips for navigating your authentic self here at W&M. We will be meeting in the Center for Student Diversity Conference room, on October 3rd at 12 PM!
Join William & Mary faculty and staff for a discussion of Taylor Jenkins Reid's new book Carrie Sotto is Back.
The Lemon Project team will host a Hearth Gathering during Homecoming Weekend. Come out to Hearth on Friday, October 7 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm.
Join the Reves Center as we join our international community of students, scholars, families faculty and staff to celebrate our amazing W&M Field Hockey Team!
Join us for our weekly Mental Health Mondays to discuss the challenges and fears of being a high achiever at W&M. This space is open for all to share their experiences and learn from others and will be held in the CSD on October 10th at 12 PM!
The session will challenge the audience to examine and explore issues related to bias, privilege, equity, supremacy and belief systems. Additionally, we learn how to take action against individual & systemic racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression.
Join the W&M Counseling Center and the CSD for our weekly Mental Health Monday where we will be discussing the experiences of neurodiverse students navigating campus life.
Building Connections and Bridging Differences is inaugurating a free, new dinner series to bring people together to celebrate, confer and share how we build understanding, belonging and community.
Join Brown Table Talk at 5:30 PM on October 20th at the Center for Student Diversity to chat about life as a female-identifying student of color at W&M. Dinner will be provided!
Join the CSD, Lambda Alliance, and Rainbow Coalition on a trip to Richmond, Va. to see The Rocky Horror show performed at Triangles Players Theatre. For $5 William & Mary students and staff are able to receive a ticket to the show and a round-trip ride!
Join the CSD, Campus Living, and the Counseling Center to discuss the ups and downs of being a Residential Assistant at W&M during Mental Health Monday on October 24th at 12 PM!
Afro-Indigenous speaker and advocate Autumn Rose Miskweminanocsqua Williams will share her experiences growing up on Shinnecock Reservation, championing indigenous issues, and promoting positive mental health as a plus-size model.
The Xi Lambda Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated is hosting bingo this Thursday at 6:30pm in Small Hall 233.
Explore social interactions, communication styles, relationships, and more.
Slayyy is a Halloween themed drag show fundraiser being put on by the Lips club- sponsored by the GSWS department! There will be performances, raffles, a bake sale, goodies, and more.
Join the CSD and the Counseling Center for our weekly mental health Monday as we discuss tips on how to manage your time between the hundreds of organizations William & Mary has to offer!
Art & Art History Distinguished Lecture series presents SAM CHUNG, "JOURNEY IN CLAY"
October 31, 5pm, Andrews 101. Reception will follow.
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